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Starting afresh from biodiversity, from the Netherlands to Slovenia

20/12/2021 -  Redazione

The "Week of Cities and Regions" discussed biodiversity and sustainability starting from the experiences of two European territories

Croatia, young people and Covid19: lessons learned from the first year of the pandemic

02/11/2021 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

How has the pandemic affected young students in Croatia? A study by the Polyclinic of the City of Zagreb, published last spring, took stock of the situation a year after the first wave of Covid, studying a sample of 22,000 minors

Romania: school starts in presence, with the usual chronic problems

16/09/2021 -  Mihaela Iordache

Last Monday, three million students started school in presence despite the fourth wave of Covid-19. In rural areas, 40% of institutions has no sewers

Croatia at the count

07/09/2021 -  Giovanni Vale

The general census is scheduled for Croatia from mid-September to mid-October. A campaign by the far right is underway these days to intimidate the Serbian minority. Depopulation is also in the spotlight

Unemployment and inequalities: the pandemic penalises the youngest

02/09/2021 -  Gianluca De Feo

High unemployment rates, increasingly apparent inequalities, and the digital divide. In the WB6, the crisis risks leaving young people behind and provoking a new wave of migration, but it could also offer new opportunities to revive economies

Serbia: fundamental rights of young people tested by the pandemic

26/07/2021 -  Ivana Draganić

School, the world of work, personal freedoms: young people in Serbia have not been at the centre of the priorities of the institutions in Serbia in this pandemic period – nor were they before

EXIT 2021: a reckless slap in the face of the pandemic?

21/07/2021 -  Nicola Dotto Belgrade

The “EXIT” music festival, the first major mass event in Serbia after over a year of pandemic, has just ended. Despite the strict protocol of procedures and controls, the country is wondering whether the mega-rally was actually needed

Where do we stand on the road to a European Gigabit Society?

25/03/2021 -  Federico Caruso

The road towards universally accessible ultra-fast connectivity in Europe still seems long and bumpy

Covid-19 in Kosovo: children and the lockdown

23/04/2021 -  Arta Berisha

An already fragile system, severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. We met educators and families from the 0-6 education sector in Kosovo

Migrants and refugees’ health in the wake of Covid-19

25/01/2021 -  Emanuela Barbiroglio

With COVID-19 in the spotlight, refugees and undocumented migrants disappeared from public attention. Precisely what swept these communities away from the agenda, however, disproportionately affected them. An analysis by Emanuela Barbiroglio, making use of a survey by the World Health Organisation

Vaccines and Covid-19: the Western Balkans feel excluded

22/01/2021 -  Francesco Martino

Doubts, controversies, delays. Vaccination campaigns against Covid-19 in the Western Balkans have only started in Serbia and Albania, while the other countries in the area risk dangerous delays, despite some support initiatives promoted by the European Union

Bosnia and Herzegovina, from ethnocracy to feasible reforms

14/01/2021 -  Alfredo Sasso

25 years after Dayton, Bosnia and Herzegovina discusses the discriminatory nature of its constitution and its possible reform, but also possible alternatives for a change in the country's institutional system. We talked about it with Nenad Stojanović

Kosovo: infant-toddler centres and preschools are not yet a priority

07/01/2021 -  Arta Berisha

Not all municipalities in Kosovo have their own infant-toddler centre, and the public resources invested in the sector are minimal. Yet, at the Faculty of Education in Prishtina, efforts are being made to train teachers who put the needs of children first. An interview

EU takes its best action against foreign interference when tackling the big issues

22/12/2020 -  Giorgio Comai

A swirl of new acts and strategies has been announced in the last couple of weeks by the European Commission, including the European Democracy Action Plan, the Digital Markets Act, and the EU’s Cybersecurity Strategy. If we ask the right questions about foreign interference, these are all part of the answer

COVID-19 has paralysed mental health care in Europe

03/12/2020 -  Ángela Bernardo María Álvarez del Vayo Carmen Torrecillas

Mental health resources in the European Union were scarce even before the pandemic. COVID-19 has caused a tsunami in mental health, from Spain to Romania, and access to care is more difficult today. An investigation by EDJNet, coming out on many European news outlets

Covid-19: the pandemic is testing the Balkan countries' education systems

03/12/2020 -  Gentiola MadhiFrancesco Trupia

Poor investments, politicisation, little regard for teachers: the pandemic has exacerbated the structural limits of school systems in the Balkans. The case of Kosovo

The EU norms that don’t make it to South-East Europe


Many member states are struggling to implement regulations and directives enacted by the EU. Data provides insight in their ability to avoid potential infringement procedures and sanctions, and to maintain ties with the EU.

Covid-19 and Russian aid in Lombardy: narratives in the Italian media

11/06/2020 -  Irene Dioli

Cooperation or interference? Russia's military presence in Lombardy has been the subject of doubts, clashes, and conflicting narratives in the Italian media

EU: An ever smaller, ever older population

28/05/2020 -  Miriam Santoro

A recently published study outlines the EU’s demographic future: in 2080, if current trends continue, the EU population will fall from the current 513 million people to 504 million, while flight from rural areas shows no sign of slowing. We take a look at south-eastern Europe, by way of the global context

Albania: the end of a theatre

18/05/2020 -  Gentiola Madhi

In the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, under fierce lockdown measures, Albania’s socialist government performed the last act of the power play on the demolition of the National Theatre. At the expense of democracy

Not just apps: privacy, personal data and COVID-19 in the western Balkans

19/05/2020 -  Federico Caruso

The measures adopted by some Balkan countries to contain the pandemic have raised perplexity in associations and researchers who deal with privacy and digital rights. Emergency actions, derogating from the national rules of law, could translate into mass surveillance tools.

Moldova: towards a new psychiatric care system

17/02/2020 -  Francesco BrusaAndrea Bonetti

Moldova is undergoing a radical reform of the psychiatric care system. The country is transitioning from the old model of psychiatric assistance to a new system, based on the establishment of so-called "community medical centres". A reportage

Albania: the winter of representative democracy

09/01/2020 -  Gentiola Madhi

A new wave of protests is expected to mark the beginning of 2020 in Albania. With a fragmented opposition and a non-representative Parliament, civic protests may serve as a catalyst for further democratisation and freedom of speech

Croatia: retirement without peace

21/10/2019 -  Ana KuzmanićIvana Perić

More than 11,000 retired Croatian are still working. Some of them seek a more active life, but the majority lives on the brink of poverty without any other option other than to keep working – a problem in common with many other European countries

Letter to Europe

26/08/2019 -  Ilija Trojanow

Every year, in Ptuj, Slovenia, a poet writes a "letter to Europe". This year it is signed by Ilija Trojanow, writer, translator and publisher

Albania: private unsecurity

11/07/2019 -  Gentiola Madhi Tirana

The establishment of "llyrian Guard", a state-owned company offering private security services, can hardly resolve the complexity and challenges of the private security market in Albania. The Achille’s heel lies in licencing and quality control by state institutions

The conditions for a pluralistic digital future: interoperability, transparency, and control over data

13/05/2019 -  Giorgio Comai

A reflection on the necessary conditions to be not only "users", but also "citizens" of the digital spaces in which we live: owners of rights, owners of one's own personal data, free to choose which services to use, which suppliers to turn to, and free to know what criteria determine what appears on our screens

What if Facebook was a non-profit?

13/05/2019 -  Niccolò Caranti

The essential problem behind misinformation is the Internet business model. Let's try to imagine a different one, one in which Facebook and Google are not for profit

Croatia, towards the first ethical bank

15/05/2019 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Emigration, economy, and the future of the country on the eve of the European elections. We talked about these topics with Goran Jeras, creator of the first Croatian Ethical Finance Cooperative

Disinformation, technology giants, and our critical skills

16/04/2019 -  Fazıla Mat

Online disinformation is a complex phenomenon that can become extremely harmful to society. As we are faced with the power of technology giants, short-term policies, and implications for freedom of expression, it is crucial to promote critical thinking, media literacy, and reflection on these issues in all age groups