Human rights

ECHR: Romania has violated LGBT+ rights

03/07/2023 -  Mihaela Iordache

Following a complaint by 21 couples, the European Court of Human Rights is asking Romania to legally recognise same-sex families. For civil society this is a historic sentence

Politics and hate speech in the Turkish media

13/06/2023 -  Francesco Brusa Istanbul

During the elections that have just ended in Türkiye, the candidates used a discriminating and aggressive discourse. We talked about it with Yasemin Korkmaz, coordinator of the hate speech monitoring campaign in Türkiye at the Hrant Dink Foundation

“The Killing of a Journalist”, interview with director Matt Sarnecki

08/06/2023 -  Aleksej Tilman

The documentary “The Killing of a Journalist” (2022), by the American director Matt Sarnecki, covers the murder of Slovak investigative journalist Ján Kuciak and his girlfriend Martina Kušnírová and its aftermath, unveiling the political corruption in Slovakia

Greece: IVF for all, except for LGBT+ people

08/06/2023 -  Elvira Krithari

Greece's assisted-reproduction industry has been actively promoting its services domestically and internationally, and offers hope to thousands of infertile people – as long as they are not lesbian couples, gay men or intersex people.

Turkey: how the secret services can destroy a journalist's life

31/05/2023 -  Dimitri Bettoni

The difficulties of working in the media, the fragility of refugee status: the story of a journalist that the Turkish state wanted for itself

Marx, Mohammed, and “wudu capitalism”. A meeting with Recep İhsan Eliaçık

08/08/2023 -  Francesco Brusa Istanbul

Synthesise and integrate two "failed", seemingly antithetical political thoughts, the Marxist and the Islamic one. This is what EKP-dominated Turkey needs according to Recep İhsan Eliaçık, Turkish thinker and activist, animator of the first collective of "anti-capitalist Muslims”

Kyiv's street names are being heavily de-russified

28/03/2023 -  Yevheniia Drozdova

About 500 streets in Kyiv have been renamed since 2014 – many of them changed their name after the military aggression by Russia in 2022. Ukrainian and Western history and figures have now taken the place of Soviet or Russian ones

Republika Srpska, the criminalisation of defamation and the squeeze on media freedom

28/03/2023 -  Arman Fazlić Sarajevo

The parliament of Republika Srpska approved in the first instance a bill to amend the criminal code which reintroduces the crime of defamation. Now sixty days of public debate and then back to the assembly. A dangerous step backwards for freedom of expression

Idomeni, Mohammed's journey back

27/03/2023 -  Tomas Miglierina

Eight years ago Mohammed had pitched a tent in Idomeni, he was one of the many Syrian refugees travelling on the Balkan route. Today he is a Belgian citizen with an EU passport. He has recently returned where this story began, in Idomeni, a place that occupied European chronicles for a long time

Georgian government withdraws controversial legislation amid protests

Following two nights of protests that saw riot police use tear gas and water cannon, the Georgian government announced that it has withdrawn controversial legislation that critics say would set back democratic development in the country and reverse the country’s stated policy of joining the European Union. Photos and text by Onnik James Krikorian, from Tbilisi

The gender gap in Europe’s street names is here to stay

06/03/2023 -  Lorenzo FerrariAlice Corona

In 30 of Europe's biggest cities, streets named after women make up only 9 per cent of the streets dedicated to individuals. The imbalance has started to narrow in some places, but progress is too slow: at this rate, it would take centuries to really close the gap.

Trieste is beautiful at night

03/03/2023 -  Nicole Corritore

In Trieste, the border between Italy and Slovenia crosses the Carso. For some it is a dream territory, for others a nightmare. Interview with Matteo Calore, Stefano Collizzolli, Andrea Segre – the directors of the documentary "Trieste è bella di notte", premiered at the Trieste Film Festival

Ukraine: war and labour rights

09/02/2023 -  Francesco Brusa

We were in Kryvyj Rih, an industrial city in central Ukraine, to investigate what the workers' organisations are doing and how they have reacted to the conflict

Nagorno Karabakh, life under the blockade

01/02/2023 -  Armine Avetisyan

For over two months, the population of Nagorno Karabakh has been isolated from the rest of the world by the Azerbaijani blockade of the Lachin Corridor. How life is in Stepanakert

Montenegro: after a new acquittal, the hopes and projects of journalist Jovo Martinovic

30/01/2023 -  Paola Rosà

After over seven years of judicial ordeal and after spending fifteen months in pre-trial detention on drug trafficking charges, investigative journalist Jovo Martinovic was acquitted for the second time by the Appellate Court on 17 January. We interviewed him while waiting for the final verdict

Greek courts abuse pre-trial detention

04/01/2023 -  Nikos Morfonios Athens

With large prisoner numbers and detention times far in excess of European averages, pre-trial detention is being abused by the Greek justice system

Serbia, algorithmic discrimination rehearsals

14/12/2022 -  Federico Caruso

A new law on social services in Serbia provides for the collection of a large amount of personal data of beneficiaries, to be analysed with an algorithm that evaluates their socio-economic condition. The declared goal is to improve the distribution of resources, but over 22,000 people have already lost the subsidy, without knowing why

Bulgaria and discrimination: there is progress, but the road is still a long one

06/12/2022 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

A recent report by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) takes stock of the fight against discrimination in Bulgaria. Progress has been registered in recent years, but many problems remain unresolved

Turkey, bombs and censorship

02/12/2022 -  Kenan Behzat Sharpe Istanbul

The recent attack in the heart of Istanbul brought the issue of political violence in Turkey back to the fore, but also dramatically exposed the limitations on access to free information in the country

Italy, journalism and the rule of law

17/11/2022 -  Maria Francesca Rita

In a country where media freedom and pluralism are formally protected by a solid legislative framework, the ability of journalists to conduct their investigative work still faces several challenges. We discussed these issues in an interview with Lorenzo Bagnoli, IrpiMedia journalist

Inequalities and resistance in Putin's Russia

15/11/2022 -  Asia Leofreddi

"The stable emergence of a Russian civic consciousness against the war is inseparable from a collective elaboration of the trauma of belonging to the aggressor country", says Russian sociologist and dissident Alexander Bikbov in this interview

“Predatorgate”, dozens of Greek ministers and journalists under surveillance

09/11/2022 -  Alessio Giussani Athens

New revelations reopen the surveillance scandal in Greece: dozens of journalists, politicians, and entrepreneurs were targeted by secret services and spyware. Who gave the orders?

Against SLAPPs, the first European conference

07/11/2022 -  Sielke Kelner

The first European conference for the fight against SLAPPs, also known as gag or reckless complaints, was held in Strasbourg on 20 October, organised by the European Center for Press and Media Freedom and the Coalition against SLAPP in Europe. The report of the event

Greece: the gap between anti-discrimination laws and reality

24/10/2022 -  Elli Zotou

How are anti-discrimination laws enforced in Greece? Are marginalised subjectivities protected? Does equal treatment only apply to European citizens? Is society ready to tackle intersectional discrimination? An analysis

Croatia, let's finally talk about menstruation poverty

19/10/2022 -  Marina Kelava

Recent research on menstrual poverty in Croatia, conducted by the PaRiter association, has allowed the issue of menstruation to be addressed by educational institutions. Various initiatives to make menstrual products free

Albania: the government closes the Turkish boarding school

11/10/2022 -  Gentiola Madhi

One week after the start of the lessons, on 22 September, the Albanian government suddenly closed the 'Mehmet Akif' Turkish women's boarding school in Tirana. A drastic decision with unclear reasons. The interference of the Turkish authorities is in the shadows

Bosnia and Herzegovina, experiments in deliberative democracy

01/10/2022 -  Serena Epis

An assembly of citizens in BiH has proposed a way out of the age-old problem of constitutional reform, pending for years after the Sejdic-Finci ruling of 2009. An interview with Nenad Stojanovic

Europride in Belgrade, 10,000 in march

23/09/2022 -  Giovanni Vale

Despite government bans aimed at limiting the LGBT demonstration in Belgrade, over ten thousand people marched through the streets of the capital on Saturday 17 September. Can we therefore speak of a success? Yes and no, as explained by Goran Miletic, director of the Europe and MENA Office at Civil Rights Defenders and one of the Europride organisers

Europride in Serbia: success and defeat

21/09/2022 -  Antonela Riha Belgrade

Prohibitions and threats failed to stop Belgrade's Europride and its colourful parade through the streets of the capital. However, there were also accidents, hate speech, and violence. The road to full realisation of LGBT rights in Serbia remains an uphill one

Turkey: Greek journalist Areteos expelled after 23 years

06/09/2022 -  Alessio Giussani

On August 26, Greek journalist Evangelos Areteos was denied entry to Turkey. For more than two decades, he has been reporting to the Greek-speaking public about the transformations of Turkey