Human rights

Fleeing Romanians: Who Clipped Their Wings in Mid Flight?

26/08/2016 -  Marina ConstantinoiuIstvan Deak

Romanian “border jumpers” tried to flee the Communist regime, often paying with their lives. After 26 years, this issue remains a black hole in the history of the country

Armenia: RSF calls for end to impunity for police violence against journalists


Reporters Without Borders (RSF) condemns the violence used by police against journalists while dispersing a demonstration in Yerevan on the evening of 29 July

Alternative Child Protection Services and Deinstitutionalisation in Armenia

22/07/2016 -  Onnik Krikorian Yerevan

With over 2,500 institutionalised children, Armenia needs to promote alternative care mechanisms. The Child Protection Network advocates for de-institutionalisation

F1 and the limits of public diplomacy

21/07/2016 -  Chiara Loda

The economic crisis and the cold international attendance at the Baku European Games are some possible explanations for the partial change of diplomatic strategy of Azerbaijan

Russia: the risks of the anti-terrorism law


Legislative changes introduced by the anti-terrorism bill approved by the Russian Duma on 24 June will bring severe restrictions on freedom of expression, freedom of thought and the right to privacy

Georgia: Leaving Care

23/06/2016 -  Onnik Krikorian Tbilisi

In Georgia there are many care services for beneficiaries below the age of 18, but problems really emerge once they become adults. Georgia’s ChildPact members address this issue, working with the authorities to find long-term solutions

Turkey: Message Sent from Arrested Editors-in-Chief on Watch


Three arrested editors-in-chief, Erol Önderoğlu, Şebnem Korur Fincancı, and Ahmet Nesin have sent a message from prison

Greece: media and migration

03/06/2016 -  Marzia Bona

How to report on migration? How to respect the rights of asylum seekers, refugees, and minorities? The case of Greece and the proposal of the "Charter of Idomeni"

The crisis of the EU solidarity: legal issues

17/05/2016 -  Luisa Chiodi

A review of some conflictual issues dividing Member States dealing with the refugee crisis. Interview with Irene Wieczorek, researcher at the Institute for European Studies

The hostages of Ilham Aliyev

13/05/2016 -  Arzu Geybullayeva

Some political prisoners have been released by the Azerbaijani authorities in the past few months. But many are still behind bars, held as hostages

LGBT in Donbas: Back to the USSR

12/05/2016 -  Konstantin Skorkin

The war in the Donbas region, which began in 2014, has created a humanitarian crisis in eastern Ukraine. The status of people from the LGBT community has also been affected

Ukraine: the fate of displaced persons

05/05/2016 -  Matteo Tacconi Kiev

War in the Ukraine has caused about 1,5 million internally displaced persons. The living conditions of those who have fled the war zone in the east of the country are often very difficult. Report

The letter of Aylisli

28/04/2016 -  Akram Aylisli

Azeri writer Akram Aylisli, banned from taking part to a Literary Festival in Italy, writes to President Ilham Aliyev presenting the meaning of his most recent work, Stone Dreams

Akram Aylisli’s Dream

07/04/2016 -  Akram Aylisli

A few days ago, the writer Akram Aylisli was due to participate in the Incontri di Civiltà literary festival in Venice. Azerbaijani authorities prevented him from attending. This is the speech he could not read

Akram Aylisli, a writer under restrictions

31/03/2016 -  Simone Zoppellaro

Azerbaijani writer Akram Aylisli was expected to take part to the “Incroci di civiltà” International literature festival today in Venice, but the Baku authorities blocked him at the airport. Our interview

Remembering Syria in a Jewelry Box

23/03/2016 -  Sana Aljendi

Sana Aljendi is a Syrian migrant, currently living in Turkey. For Sana, today Syria is just a box full of jewelry and memories of Damascus, her home city

Azerbaijan, the Nowruz amnesty

23/03/2016 -  Simone Zoppellaro

In Azerbaijan and in the rest of Europe there was satisfaction for the amnesty that allowed 15 journalists, opposition politicians and human rights activists, to return to freedom. In the Caucasian country, however, there are still too many political prisoners

The dangerous spread of crimes of solidarity

18/03/2016 -  Nando Sigona

Criminalising volunteers who act in solidarity with migrants and refugees is a way of detering European civic society from getting involved. Further mobilisation is the answer

Brussels and Ankara, the bad deal

17/03/2016 -  Nils Muižnieks Strasbourg

The migration deal between EU and Turkey is illegal and must be changed, says CoE Commissioner for Human Rights. There are other ways to address the migrants crisis, complying with the member States obligations to protect those who flee wars and persecution

National minorities under the Georgian Dream

02/03/2016 -  Marilisa Lorusso Tbilisi

Giorgi Bobghiashvili, of the European Centre for Minority Issues, spoke to us about national minorities and inclusive policies in Georgia ahead of the next general elections

Istanbul, in the traffickers' net

08/03/2016 -  Dimitri BettoniFilippo Cicciù Istanbul

For the vast majority of refugees and migrants, using the Turkish network of traffickers is the only choice in order to start the journey along the Balkan Route. Our report

Azerbaijan: Mission Nardaran Challenge

02/02/2016 -  Arzu Geybullayeva

Protests in Nardaran, a majority conservative Shia village in the outskirts of Baku, indicate a growing discontent for the country's difficult social and economic conditions

After the war, a human rights emergency in Ukraine

05/11/2015 -  Danilo Elia

A dramatic picture emerges from the new report on the situation in Ukraine released by the Council of Europe's Commissioner for Human Rights. Now that the armed conflicts have ceased, it is daily life that kills

A Balkan Odyssey

27/10/2015 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini

The flow of migrants and refugees along the Balkan trail is turning into a humanitarian crisis, with no recognition of the needs of vulnerable categories. Reports of violence by the Bulgarian police

Refugees in Turkey, heading West

06/10/2015 -  Fazıla Mat Istanbul

Turkey is hosting some 2 million Syrian refugees, but won’t grant them refugee status. This, and the tough life they are leading, drives them to try heading towards Europe

The Balkan trail: Orban's wall

22/09/2015 -  Giovanni Vale Budapest

The Hungarian wall, on the border with Serbia, casts a first curtain on the Balkan Trail, forcing refugees to change course and head to Croatia, making their journey even more difficult. Seventh and final episode of our correspondent's diary

Balkan Trail: arrival in Preševo

21/09/2015 -  Giovanni Vale Preševo

From Macedonia to the border with Serbia. The refugees cross the border and head for Preševo. Fifth episode of the travelogue by our correspondent on the Balkan Trail

Azerbaijan: Aliyev’s most wanted list

04/09/2015 -  Arzu Geybullayeva

The jail sentence inflicted on investigative journalist Khadija Ismayilova is the latest episode in the fight against freedom of speech in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan: a circus trial, clowns and a glass cage

19/08/2015 -  Arzu Geybullayeva

The trial of Khadija Ismayilova, the main investigative Azerbaijani journalists in prison since last December, began last July 24 and may close as early as this week

The new wall and us: children who do and don't remember

25/08/2015 -  André Cunha, (with the collaboration of Móni Bense)

Chronicle of a journey along the border between Hungary and Serbia in late June and early July, a week from the building of a new wall in Europe. Second Episode