Human rights

Azerbaijan: a 21st century dynasty

01/03/2017 -  Arzu Geybullaeva

President Ilham Aliyev has recently appointed his wife to the position of vice-president of the country, confirming that Azerbaijan is, slowly but steadily, turning from a democracy into a monarchy

Novosti under attack

24/02/2017 -  Marzia Bona

A campaign launched by conservative organization “In the name of the family” threatens to shut down the magazine Novosti, example of pluralism and quality journalism in Croatia

Access to public information in Erdoğan's Turkey

10/03/2017 -  Gülseren Adaklı

A detailed and unique analysis of the right to access information in Turkey, where not only this right is not being upheld, but also the freedom of expression is heavily violated

Women are the first victims

21/02/2017 -  Sergio Cebrián

Trafficked women in EU countries most commonly end up in sexual exploitation. And Member States’ different legal processes and legislation are not helping to combat this evil

Last harvest looming for Albanian farmers along pipeline route

25/01/2017 -  Bankwatch

Numerous farmers and land owners in Albania feel they are sidelined by Europe’s dash for gas

Refugees in Europe: “Let's not make it a battle of the bottom feeders”

07/02/2017 -  Fazıla Mat

More Eu funds are needed to support reception measures for refugees as well as European citizens experiencing poverty. Interview with Brando Benifei, Italian MEP, on the management of the refugees crisis in Europe

Lost childhood: Syrian children in Turkey

24/01/2017 -  Fazıla Mat

It is estimated that in Turkey one Syrian minor in ten is working to provide for the family. A situation that threatens to cancel an entire generation. An analysis

Serbia needs to investigate asylum seekers push backs

11/01/2017 -  Marzia Bona

A refugee family forced by the police to get off a bus and abandoned in a forest at a temperature of 11 degrees below zero, near the border with Bulgaria. An attempt of illegal expulsion?

European Union: Who enforces fundamental rights?

10/01/2017 -  Alberto Tagliapietra

Setting high standards for aspiring member countries, but ineffective with Member States: European institutions have problems with fundamental rights

Armenia: Let's hope it's (not) a girl

04/01/2017 -  Emanuele Cassano

Armenia is the second country in the world for the rate of selective abortions because of an obsessive desire for male children

The defector who took the Romanian State to court

02/01/2017 -  Marina ConstantinoiuIstvan Deak

Considered as dangerous as criminals by the Romanian regime, defectors were long prosecuted and criminalized. One of them now seeks justice for all Romanian defectors

Cécile Kyenge on Europe and migrations

22/12/2016 -  Fazıla Mat

Facing the migration problem means keeping the European project alive. We spoke to the author of a recent report on the issue, Cécile Kyenge, Italian member of the European parliament

EU-Turkey Agreement: an appeal to the European Court of Justice


Access Info Europe, a Madrid-based organization promoting access to information, filed a petition to the European Court of Justice asking the disclosure of the legal details of the EU-Turkey deal on migration

With the refugees in Gaziantep

24/11/2016 -  Gian Matteo Apuzzo* Gaziantep

Only 92 kilometres separate Gaziantep and Aleppo – two cities close to each other in terms of geography and history, now divided by war. A report from the south of Turkey, on the border with Syria

Cumhuriyet’s Akın Atalay Detained


Cumhuriyet Newspaper Executive Board President Akın Atalay has been detained at Atatürk Airport where Atalay returned from abroad.

Ukraine, land of IDPs

21/10/2016 -  Danilo Elia

Two years after the outbreak of war in Donbas, there are many internally displaced persons in Ukraine. After the initial burst of solidarity by citizens, however, the willingness to host is wearing thin

Hungary, after the referendum

07/11/2016 -  Marzia Bona

After a controversial and divisive referendum, what is the outlook for Hungary and the region on the subject of refugees? We interviewed Gábor Gyulai, of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee

Refugees and Migrants, the inconvenient truths


The European Federation of Journalists organised in Brussels, on 4th October 2016, the roundtable 'Refugees and Migrants, the inconvenient truths – Journalism against bias and stereotypes'

Government steps up its “no” campaign

28/09/2016 -  Yann Schreiber

On 2 October, Hungary will vote on a EU refugee distribution scheme. The government, who is calling on the population to reject the Commission's proposal, recently stepped up a taxpayer-funded campaign many say is xenophobic and fear-mongering

Online journalist flees Russia following threats


The independent online journalist Aleksandr Sotnik yesterday announced that he had fled Russia following threats connected to his critical reporting on Kremlin policies

South Caucasus and the Balkans: child protection

27/09/2016 -  Mariana IanachieviciDaniela Buzducea

An Index that serves to remind countries of their commitments to child protection. Created jointly by World Vision and ChildPact, it will be launched in Brussels on 28 September

Turkey: solidarity with a newspaper is not a crime


On Spetember 20th, the first hearing was held at Istanbul court of justice against 4 journalists prosecuted for participating in a solidarity campaign with the newspaper Özgür Gündem

Kelebija, transit area

29/09/2016 -  Marzia Bona Kelebija

On the border between Serbia and Hungary, the situation is dramatic. Thousands of people, crammed into makeshift camps, are waiting to cross the border into the EU. Reportage

Turkey: LGBT, state of emergency

19/09/2016 -  Fazıla Mat

After the failed coup in Turkey, the state of emergency exacerbates discrimination and attacks against the LGBT community

Journalism in Turkey: my days in jail after the coup

15/09/2016 -  Bülent Mumay* Istanbul

The attempted coup of July 15 and its harsh impact on Turkish media and journalists. An editorial by Bulent Mumay, of one of the journalists arrested in those days and later released

Fleeing Romanians: The Story of Those Who Made It Over the Border

14/09/2016 -  Marina ConstantinoiuIstvan Deak

Twenty-seven years ago, Western Europe welcomed European brethren escaping from Eastern European regimes, relegated to living in oppressive communist regimes

Turkey: International civil society condemns crackdown on freedom of expression


From 31 August to 2 September, an international delegation of civil society organisations visited Istanbul to demonstrate solidarity with writers, journalists, and media outlets in Turkey

Turkey: Evrensel journalists must be released immediately


The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) is backing the urgent call of his affiliates in Turkey, demanding the immediate release of Turkish journalists Cemil Ugur and Halil Ibrahim Polat

Moldova: prisons, transition, and the Hamlet

06/09/2016 -  Francesco Brusa

All Moldovan prison facilities still date back to the Soviet era, with poor conditions for prisoners. And yet something is moving to reform the system. A reportage

Ukraine: freedom of the press jeopardized

06/09/2016 -  Danilo Elia

One month after the car bomb that killed journalist Pavel Sheremet, the discovery of Alexander Shchetinin’s death. These casualties mark a climate of rising pressure against the Ukrainian press