
Hate speech: what it is and how to contrast it

01/02/2018 -  Marzia BonaIrene DioliLorenzo FerrariFazıla MatNicola PedrazziRossella Vignola Valentina Vivona

As hate speech is being debated more and more both online and offline, we decided to devote a special dossier to it, building on the materials of the Resource Centre on Press and Media Freedom in Europe.

A violent year for Kosovo’s journalists

30/01/2018 -  Eraldin Fazliu

Last year in Kosovo 24 cases of threats and attacks on journalists have been registered

EFJ mission to Serbia: recommendations for media freedom


Following concerns about the state of media freedom in Serbia expressed by both Serbian journalists and media organisations as well as international organisations and institutions, an international joint fact-finding mission comprised of representatives from the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the International Press Institute (IPI) and the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) visited Serbia from 18th-19th January 2018.

Saša Leković: media freedom in Croatia is deteriorating

18/01/2018 -  Giovanni ValeJelena Prtorić Zagreb

For the second time in two years, Croatia was visited by a delegation of associations for the protection of media freedom – a negative record for a EU member. We talked about it with the president of the Association of Croatian journalists

Why does a "whistlеblower" remain an exotic phenomenon for Bulgaria?

15/01/2018 -  Mediapool

The low level of trust in the institutions on the part not only of the citizens but also on the part of those working in them is the reason – also evident from different sociological data

Whistleblowing in Slovenia


From Radio Student, an interview with Alma Sedlar, a former member of the governing board of Slovenian anti corruption agency who resigned due to what she calls a “systematic obstruction of her work”

Montenegro, how not to protect whistleblowers

15/12/2017 -  Tina PopovićMila Radulović Podgorica

In Montenegro, to obtain the status of whistleblower is a major challenge. And even those who succeed risk being mobbed or fired

The Balkans barely exist for Italian TV news


A new study shows that South-East Europe is completely out of sight for the main TV newsrooms in Italy, except for Greece and Turkey

Turkey: whistleblowing, media, and the public interest

13/12/2017 -  Emre Tansu Keten Istanbul

In Turkey, whistleblowing and journalism based on it are being criminalised, as demonstrated by the cases of Reyhanlı and the trucks of MIT, the Turkish intelligence

Sofia edit-a-thon: for a plural ecosystem of information

14/12/2017 -  Rossella Vignola

Media freedom, public interest, transparency, data journalism, facts-based information: all these issues have been dealt with in Sofia, during the Wiki4MediaFreedom edit-a-thon, a writing marathon on media freedom-related issues in Wikipedia which gathered journalists, experts and activists

Kosovars need help to speak out

06/12/2017 -  Eraldin Fazliu Pristina

EULEX allegations raise the issue of whistleblowing

Jovo Martinović, when investigative journalism ends up behind bars

04/12/2017 -  Francesco Martino Pristina

In Montenegro - NATO member country and EU candidate - attacks against the press are numerous and a journalist may be imprisoned for his investigative work. It is the story of Jovo Martinović, currently under trial. Our interview

Romania: whistleblowers need more than just a law

01/12/2017 -  Stela Giurgeanu

Romania has a law protecting whistleblowers since 2004. But how many Romanian citizens have benefited from it? What is the real impact of a "law without society"? The analysis of Dilema Veche

Mladic's verdict: Serbia refuses to look to the past

29/11/2017 -  Antonela Riha Belgrade

Few media in Serbia have focused on the motivation of the life sentence for Ratko Mladić. Few words about the crimes committed by the former commander, as if the past had never existed

Whistleblowers in Serbia: a model law

21/12/2017 -  BETA Belgrado

Serbia has a unique, gold-standard law – whistleblowers themselves have contributed to its drafting. There are, however, inconsistencies in its application

The lack of protection for whistleblowers in Croatia

21/11/2017 -  Toni Gabrić Zagreb

In Croatia, as in other countries in the region, whistleblowers are not sufficiently protected and risk to be fired and socially marginalised. H-Alter's contribution to our dossier on whistleblowing

Wikipedia edit-a-thon in Sofia to support media freedom and democratic commons

14/11/2017 -  Rossella Vignola

The second edition of the Wiki4MediaFreedom edit-a-thon will take place in Sofia on November 27th. It will boost the availability of accurate knowledge on media freedom and pluralism in the largest open encyclopedia worldwide

The struggle of Kurdish women in Turkey, between journalism and jineology

16/11/2017 -  Francesco Brusa

"We have always valued hope over victory. Now, however, we are winning some of our battles". An interview with Ceren Karlıdaĝ, journalist, feminist, among the protagonists of the magazine Sujin Gazete.

The whistleblower who overthrew Macedonia’s government

03/11/2017 -  Borjan Jovanovski

Former intelligence collaborator Gjorgi Lazarevski disclosed thousands of illegal wiretappings. "Bombs" which brought to the end of Gruevski's government

Clueless and ranting: the press according to Edi Rama

09/11/2017 -  Tsai Mali Tirana

With the eyes of the public still on the judicial troubles of the former Interior Minister Tahiri, Prime Minister Rama is back to attacking the press, confirming the ambiguous relationship between Albanian media and politics

Impunity for crimes against journalists, a matter of political will?


Nine crimes against journalists out of ten go unpunished: today, November 2nd, two campaigns are being launched with the hashtags #NoImpunity and #EndImpunity

Whistleblowers: looking for European protection

25/10/2017 - 

The second of a series of three thematic itineraries to explore the Resource Centre on Media Freedom through a curated aggregation of contents

The first hearing in Turkey's "The Redhack Trial" of six journalists was held on Tuesday


In an interim ruling, the court ordered the release pending trial of Ömer Çelik. The former news editor of the closed pro-Kurdish Dicle News Agency (DIHA) had been in pretrial detention since December 2016 with two other colleagues, Tunca Öğreten, a former editor and investigative reporter of news portal Diken, and Mahir Kanaat, an employee of leftist newspaper BirGün.

International press freedom groups condemn killing of Maltese investigative journalist


Sixteen press freedom groups condemn the killing of investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia and demand an immediate and independent investigation into her death

Turkey, the triangle of the three s's

20/10/2017 -  Francesco Brusa

"We call it the triangle of the three s's: sermaye, sendika, and siyaset – capital, unions, and politics". An interview with the journalist and activist Özgür Karaduman about consensus and dissent in Erdoĝan's Turkey

European challenges: defending journalism, protecting informants


"Defending journalists in danger: solidarity, support and protection". This was the title and the topic of the conference that the European Center for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) – a consortium of which OBC Transeuropa is a founding member – organised in Leipzig on October 5th. An opportunity for international dialogue on a wide-ranging topic such as freedom of expression in the Internet age.

European challenges: defending journalism, protecting informants


"Defending journalists in danger: solidarity, support and protection". This was the title and the topic of the conference that the European Center for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF ) – a consortium of which OBC Transeuropa is a founding member – organised in Leipzig on October 5th. An opportunity for international dialogue on a wide-ranging topic such as freedom of expression in the Internet age.

Romania: let the press reach readers!

10/10/2017 -  Sever Voinescu

Starting from Bucharest newsstands, the closing down of distribution channels of newspapers and magazines represents one of the main threats agains press freedom in Romania. A comment

Serbia, the state against independent media

28/09/2017 -  Antonela Riha Belgrade

First the closure of the weekly Novine Vranjske and the hunger strike of its director, then the Defense minister's attack against the investigative portal Krik. Hard times for independent media in Serbia

Serbia: disinformation as political strategy

19/09/2017 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrade

Media lynching for those who do not toe the government line, judicial authorities that do not protect citizens, independent journalists accused of conspiracy. This is Vučić's Serbia