
Freedom of expression: the crucial role of Strasbourg

03/05/2017 -  Sofia Verza

In Strasbourg on March 24th, judges, journalists, lawyers and activists discussed the challenges facing the protection of free expression in Europe

What's feeding the obese media in Albania?

05/05/2017 -  Shqiptarja

Behind the majority of Albanian media there are owners who use it to defend their own interests in fields entirely disconnected from editorial scope. An overview

Data journalism for media freedom: visualizing media ownership in Europe


OBC Transeuropa and ECPMF promoted at the International Journalism Festival of Perugia 2017 a panel on media ownership in Europe. The video

Bulgaria, "quasi-media" on the rise

13/04/2017 -  Mediapool Sofia

Media on government payroll and distrust by citizens make Bulgaria a symbol of deteriorating freedom of expression in Europe

Political and economic interests in media ownership are squeezing Kosovar journalism

05/04/2017 -  Abit Hoxha

New and old ownership models present their own challenges to quality independent reporting

Serbia: media ownership and politics

11/04/2017 -  Simon Lenormand

Methods for pressuring and controlling the media in Serbia have become more sophisticated than in the past, but they are no less harmful to freedom of expression

Serbia: propaganda and control on the web

28/03/2017 -  Rossella Vignola

The impact of cyber-attacks, digital surveillance and sophisticated techniques of computational propaganda is growing. The case of Serbia in an interview with Vladan Joler, director of Share Foundation

Romania: Less hate, more speech

22/03/2017 -  Francesco Martino

The project "Less hate, more speech" aims at stimulating more civilized discussion with less aggressive speech on the Romanian online media, as one of the authors explains

Public service media in South East Europe: Can the giants be taken from the grip of political interests?

21/03/2017 -  Brankica Petković Sandra B. Hrvatin Ljubljana

They used to be called “State-television”, nowadays they are “public service media”. But political control is hard to remove, and prevents public broadcasters from serving the public interest. An editorial

Jeopardising the effectiveness of journalism in South East Europe: the role of extra-legal policy mechanisms

16/03/2017 -  Chiara Sighele

A range of extra-legal policy mechanisms are used by those in power to prevent journalists from fulfilling their watchdog role in society. Examples from countries of South East Europe (SEE) where extra-legal policy mechanisms are deployed to stifle journalism

Second measurement of the Media Clientelism Index presented in Brussels


The 7th March 2017, the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs in coopearation with Partnership for Social Development held a public hearing in the European Parliament on “Media Clientelism Index: Measuring Media Realities in Six South East European Countries”

Targeting Russian TV channels

15/03/2017 -  Lorenzo Ferrari

The tensions between the European Union and Russia are changing the ways in which the EU defines and combats hate-speech. Attention is growing on the role of Russian TVs in Eastern Europe

Novosti under attack

24/02/2017 -  Marzia Bona

A campaign launched by conservative organization “In the name of the family” threatens to shut down the magazine Novosti, example of pluralism and quality journalism in Croatia

Romania and access to information: a law that works

06/03/2017 -  Stela Giurgeanu

In Romania, the law on access to information is a substantially effective tool in support of quality journalism

OSCE: Kosovo neads a commission on murdered and missing journalists


An OSCE conference on safety of the media in South-Eastern Europe adopted several recommendations, including the creation of a commission to investigate cases of murdered and missing journalists in Kosovo

Access to public information in Erdoğan's Turkey

10/03/2017 -  Gülseren Adaklı

A detailed and unique analysis of the right to access information in Turkey, where not only this right is not being upheld, but also the freedom of expression is heavily violated

Accessing information in Bosnia and Herzegovina

09/03/2017 -  Ljupko Mišeljić Sarajevo

All too often, institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina ignore requests for access to information, give only partial answers, or do not reply within the statutory deadline

European Parliament: MEPs call for EU-wide protection for whistle-blowers


An “effective and comprehensive European whistle-blower protection programme” should be proposed “immediately” by the EU Commission, urges European Parliament in a resolution voted on Tuesday

Hürriyet daily censors Orhan Pamuk "No" to constitutional referendum


Nobel laureate Orhan Pamuk confirmed that Hürriyet newspaper censored his interview in which he declared that he would vote “no” in constitutional amendment referendum

Croatia: above public opinion

16/02/2017 -  Toni Gabrić Zagreb

In Croatia, journalists and citizens have a hard time accessing information which should be of public domain

CoE Commissioner Nils Muižnieks urges to strengthen public service broadcasting in Kosovo


The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Nils Muižnieks, is encouraging Kosovo authorities to safeguard media freedom in the country following his four-day mission to Kosovo. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and the Journalist’s Association of Kosovo (AGK) welcome the preliminary conclusions

Serbia: how the authorities block access to information

23/02/2017 -  Simon Lenormand

Serbia has one of the best laws in the world to guarantee public access to information. The problem is, the state does not respect its own laws. And the situation may get worse in the future

Montenegro, the silence of the public administration

02/03/2017 -  Ivan Čađenović Podgorica

Montenegro adopted a law on free access to public information 7 years ago, but in many cases the information required is withheld, and no one is sanctioned

Bulgaria: every third institution is not transparent

09/02/2017 -  Tsvetelina Yordanova

According to a study conducted by a local Ngo, Bulgarian institutions are gradually improving their transparency when publicising the acts they issue. Nevertheless, much remains to be done

Kosovar journalists need to demand implementation of their access to information rights

08/02/2017 -  Furtuna Sheremeti

In Kosovo, access to information is well guaranteed in theory — in practise it’s a different story

Bulgaria, where the local press "can be bought for cheap"

06/02/2017 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

In Bulgaria, local administrations spend large sums to "finance" the media, thus influencing their editorial line – a concerning situation, especially outside Sofia

Reconciliation in the Balkans goes on air!

03/02/2017 -  Saša Kulenović

‘Okruženje’, the first and only regional TV current affairs talk show in the Western Balkans, awarded with the prize for ‘2016 Media Initiative of the Year’ at the European Citizenship Awards

Croatia and the access to public information


An interview to Barbara Matejcic, freelance journalist in Croatia

Albania and the access to public information


An interview to Rudina Hoxha, Editor, FOLLOW BUSINESS ALBANIA

Serbia: the hard fight for information

13/02/2017 -  Maja Poznatov

Even though there is a good institutional and legislative framework defending the right to access information of public interest, some crucial issues are still unresolved