
Journalism is dead

30/01/2017 -  Saso Ordanoski

For liberal democracy as we know it, the decline of professional journalism is certainly bad news — without it, vocal majorities dictate political decisions increasingly rooted in extreme, intolerant values

Slovenia and the access to public information


An interview to Sonja Merljak, reporter with the Slovenian daily ’Delo’

Serbia and the access to public information


An interview to Milorad Ivanovic, Editor-in-Chief of Newsweek Serbia

2016 annus horribilis. Beaten the record of number of journalists killed


The massacre of journalists continues unabated. Probably, 2016 will be remembered as one of the bloodiest years of the last two decades. But it is very hard to gauge how many actually have lost their lives while they were engaged in spreading information of public interest, and thus exercising a fundamental right

Viktor Ivančić: media, democracy, and politics

13/03/2017 -  Sven Milekić Zagreb

All-out interview with Viktor Ivančić, one of the founders of the legendary weekly Feral Tribune. The media in Croatia, the Balkans, and former Yugoslavia. The risks for democracy

A Greek newspaper publisher and its director charged with libel


On 10 January, Greek police arrested the publisher and the director of Parapolitika newspaper, Giannis Kourtakis and Panayiotis Tzenos, following a lawsuit filed against them for libel and attempted extortion by Greek defense minister Panos Kammenos

Serbia: the moral damage of the Interior Minister

16/01/2017 -  Antonela Riha Belgrado

Interior Minister Nebojša Stefanović sued the weekly NIN and won the case for moral damages as a result of a cover dedicated to Savamala scandal

Kosovo Ruling Party Denies Running Anti-BIRN Campaign


After a journalist involved in the campaign against BIRN in Kosovo in 2009 said the ruling party had been behind the whole affair, the party has hit back calling the claim 'a fairytale'

CoE Commissioner concerned over NIN defamation verdict


The weekly "NIN" was fined "for damaging the reputation of Serbia's Minister of Interiors". A sentence that, warns CoE Commissioner for Human Rights Nils Muižnieks, could have negative impact on media freedom in the country

Omer Karabeg: The Bridge

30/12/2016 -  Luka Zanoni

For over 20 years, Omer Karabeg has hosted a programme titled Most (Bridge). The show deals with thorny, uncomfortable topics, seeking to create a dialogue between people of different viewpoints

Media freedom and the protection of journalists in the Western Balkans


Recently established, the regional platform for media freedom in the Western Balkans warns about the increased use of physical violence as a tool of intimidation against journalists

New alarm for public TV in Bosnia and Herzegovina

21/12/2016 -  Adis Šušnjar Sarajevo

The situation of public radio-television in Bosnia and Herzegovina is deteriorating, while pressures increase for the creation of three ethnonational channels

EU-Turkey Agreement: an appeal to the European Court of Justice


Access Info Europe, a Madrid-based organization promoting access to information, filed a petition to the European Court of Justice asking the disclosure of the legal details of the EU-Turkey deal on migration

Media in Moldova: oligarchy in power

05/12/2016 -  Francesco Brusa Chișinău

Nadine Gogu heads a centre in support of independent journalism in the country. She tells us about media oligarchs, Russian propaganda, and the future of online information

Bosnia and Herzegovina, journalists under attack

18/01/2017 -  Adis Šušnjar Sarajevo

Also in 2016, physical attacks, threats, and serious limitations have made the life of journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina increasingly difficult

Media in Serbia, someone says no

02/12/2016 -  Luka Zanoni Belgrade

Media lynchings, physical assaults, threats. This is what investigative journalists face in Vučić's Serbia. An interview with Branko Čečen, director of the Center for Investigative Journalism of Serbia (CINS)

Time for Kosovo's media to get serious on transitional justice

22/11/2016 -  Nora Ahmetaj*

Journalists in Kosovo should not avoid the complex issue of transitional justice

Crimea: freedom of speech turns to freedom of silence


Crimea has had no independent media for two and a half years now - a Crimean journalist speaks out about the situation on condition of anonymity

Macedonia, detention and censorship

21/11/2016 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski

Censorship in Macedonia: the controversial case of Zoran Bozinovski, a journalist charged with criminal conspiracy, espionage and extortion, arrested in April 2016 and still in detention, while waiting for is trial to eventually start

Lindita Çela and Artsiom Harbatsevich win the CEI SEEMO Award 2016


Albanian and Belarusian journalists win CEI SEEMO Award for Outstanding Merits in Investigative Journalism 2016

Europe: access to information in practice, not just on paper

17/11/2016 -  Andreas Pavlou*

250 years after the first transparency law in Europe adopted in Sweden in 1766, Europeans need access to information in practice, not just on paper. An editorial

Wiki4MediaFreedom in 10 points

16/11/2016 -  Rossella Vignola

On November 21st, OBC Transeuropa organises in Belgrade a writing marathon of Wikipedia entries on press freedom. The initiative is part of a larger project – here it is, in 10 points

Cumhuriyet’s Akın Atalay Detained


Cumhuriyet Newspaper Executive Board President Akın Atalay has been detained at Atatürk Airport where Atalay returned from abroad.

"We are not audience hunters": Romanian House of Journalists

11/11/2016 -  Stela Giurgeanu

“We are not audience hunters” explains Vlad Ursulean, founder of the "House of Journalist". A project meant to revitalize journalism in Romania

Deterioration of media freedom in Croatia: an infographic


Croatia is recording a generalized decline of the conditions pertaining to media freedom and pluralism

Romania: public broadcaster threatened by populism

31/10/2016 -  Marina Constantinoiu

A few weeks before the elections, the Romanian Parliament abolished the radio-television fee posing the public broadcaster under direct financing from the state budget

Wikipedia 'edit-a-thon' seeks to boost contents on media freedom and pluralism


An edit-a-thon will take place in Belgrade on November 21st to boost the availability of accurate knowledge on media freedom in the largest open encyclopedia worldwide

Romania to Eliminate Public Broadcast Fee


Concerns about independence and sustainability of the public broadcaster, as Romania proposes to abolish the subscription fee and introduce direct funding of the public radio-television

Turkey: censorship reaches Europe

26/10/2016 -  Fazıla Mat

A Kurdish television station based in Italy was blacked out at the request of the Turkish authorities. The reconstruction of the occurence

A safe haven for media workers under threat: the ECPMF Journalists-in-Residence-Programme


Until 8 November 2016, threatened media freedom activists and journalists from EU and pre-accession countries can apply for the ECPMF Journalists-in-Residence-Programme