
Protests in Macedonia: one more colour for press freedom, please


Since April 13, tens of thousands of people go out on the street in Macedonia to protest against the political regime with a colourful, peaceful fight

Ukraine, the media after Maidan

20/04/2016 -  Matteo Tacconi Kiev

In the post Maidan Ukraine, there is growing ambition amongst students of journalism and journalists to make information more independent. Report

ECPMF action for press freedom in Hungary


ECPMF action on 14 April calls Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban to investigate press freedom violations and defend journalists’ right to cover the refugee crisis

Nagorno Karabakh: the hate speech factor

12/04/2016 -  Marilisa Lorusso

In the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, words play a crucial role. Security and confidence building initiatives should include the foundation of a brand new glossary

Croatia: the attack against journalist Ante Tomić and the disconcerting reaction of the Minister of Culture


After the attack against journalist Ante Tomić, the controversial reaction by the Minister of Culture sparks concern in Croatia as the Minister recalls the “responsibility for words spoken and written in public”

Trial of Cumhuriyet-journalists: “What we saw was a farce“


On the first day of the court hearing of Erdem Gül and Can Dündar only one thing became clear: The process against the two journalists will neither be objective nor free of political motivation

Serbia: control the media with the help of the media

30/03/2016 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrado

Smothering the freedom of the press using intense media campaigns in tabloids and the television against individual journalists has now become the sad reality of news in Serbia

Macedonia: Journalists detained during March of Hope


Journalists and activists have been detained by Macedonian forces during the march through which migrants and asylum seekers tried to enter Macedonia from Greece on March 14

Court Rules Release of Can Dündar, Erdem Gül


Turkish journalists Can Dündar and Erdem Gül have been released following a verdict by the Constitutional Court

Bulgaria: Dinko, the shameful "super-hero"

02/03/2016 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

One of the main TV stations in Bulgaria, bTV, glorifies a man who hunts migrants and wants them dead. This is the story

The second life of Slobodna Bosna

22/02/2016 -  Rodolfo Toè Sarajevo

Slobodna Bosna, a leading Bosnian weekly, is no longer in newsstands. While many mourn the loss, the magazine may be about to start a successful second life on the web

Journalists visiting Diyarbakır: "We are here to remove disinformation"


Journalists in the second group of News Watch have met with Diyarbakır Bar Deputy President, Ahmet Özmen and Bar Administrative Board members

Turkish journalist and writer face 4 years in jail for a metaphor


Journalists have been suffering the consequences of reporting on the misdeeds of the Turkish Government. Turkey, with the highest number of journalists in prison, and very high numbers of fatal and non-fatal attacks against independent journalists, has witnessed a steep decline in the level of freedom of the media - from 54 to 65 in Freedom House's Press Freedom Index, which since 2013 rates Turkey as "non free".

New report highlights impunity for police violence against Greek photojournalists


Inadequate police internal investigations hobble criminal prosecution, analysis indicates

Serbia: journalists on the streets

20/01/2016 -  Antonela Riha Belgrade

Journalists protest all over Serbia. The Prime Minister, Aleksandar Vučić, says it as an attempt to destabilize the government, and calls for early elections

Azerbaijan, the black list

14/01/2016 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini

The Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Italy has published a long list of journalists, banning them from the country

Journalists’ solidarity in Kosovo: the RTK case

13/01/2016 -  Marzia Bona

A public campaign launched by RTK journalists against censorship and political interference in the national broadcaster achieved positive results. OBC interviewed Shkumbin Ahmetxhekaj, editor at RTK, who took part to the campaign

Romania: from traditional to social media

31/12/2015 -  Luka Zanoni

Traditional media no longer have the monopoly of information, social media are advancing. An interview with Ioana Avadani, director of the Center for Independent Journalism in Romania

Resource Centre: a toolbox for media freedom

17/12/2015 -  Marzia Bona

A new online platform was developed by OBC and the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF). The platform enables journalists, policy makers, scholars, and citizens to access updated materials on media freedom and pluralism in Europe

Wiki for Media Freedom: an interview with the Wikipedian in Residence

15/12/2015 -  Michelle Trimborn

An interview by the ECPMF staff to the Wikipedian in residence Davide Denti, hosted at OBC within the project Wiki for Media Freedom

Call from Journalist Organizations on Erdoğan: ‘Freedom for Journalists in Prison‘


Following the arrest of Dündar and Gül from Cumhuriyet daily, journalists' organizations have made a call on President Erdoğan for releasing the arrested

Transeurope. Civil society networks


The video of the workshop: Media freedom and the growth of the European public sphere

Greece: Journalists arrested, accused of taking photos in court

25/11/2015 -  Marzia Bona

Two journalists from Italy and the USA have been arrested in the city of Polygyros and accused of taking photos of a trial inside a court room without permission, which is prohibited according to Greek law

ECPMF- Meeting with media partners

On November 21st, as a side event of the international conference Transeuropa organized by Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso, a working meeting was held with ECPMF media partners. Some pictures of the meeting

The price of being a journalist in Turkey

23/11/2015 - 

Arrested at the end of August and charged with “engagement in terrorist activities”, the journalist Mohammed Rasool is still detained in Turkey. A warning for journalism and foreign media outlets

Cenzolovka, in memory of Slavko Ćuruvija

10/11/2015 -  Marzia Bona

The Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation was established in November 2013 in Belgrade with the aim to preserve the heritage of the journalist murdered in 1999, and advance media freedom in Serbia. OBC interviews its executive director Ilir Gaši

South East Europe Media Forum 2015

Some pictures of the ninth edition of the South East Europe Media Forum, held in Bucharest (Romania) on 5 to 6 November 2015. The event that annually brings together dozens of European journalists is organized and promoted by South East Europe Media Organisation, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and Central European Initiave.

CEI, SEEMO name investigative journalism award winners


Albanian and Ukrainian journalists to be honoured at Bucharest event

ECPMF launches its Journalists-in-Residence programme


Journalists from all over Europe can apply to become a Journalist-in-Residence at the ECPMF in Leipzig. The deadline for applying is January 22th 2016

Turkish judiciary seizes major media group

27/10/2015 -  Davide Denti

A week ahead of the general elections of 1 November, the Turkish judiciary has put under trusteeship a media holding linked to the Gülen movement – once an ally of Erdoğan, today among his enemies