
Serbia, censorship according to Aleksandar Vučić

01/08/2016 -  Antonela Riha Belgrade

An exhibition organised by the Serbian Progressive Party of Prime Minister Vučić tries to counter criticism about censorship in the Serbian media. The effect, however, is that of a blacklist

Turkey: detention Warrant for 42 Journalists


Custody order has been issued for 42 journalists including journalist Nazlı Ilıcak within the investigation into Gülen Community

Croatia: radio and tv under the blows of the conservatives

22/07/2016 -  Sven Milekić Zagreb

A month after the fall of the government, right-wing parties remain in control of the Croatian public service, with layoffs and cancellations

Chaos in Turkey: OSCE concerned for media freedom


OSCE media freedom representative Dunja Mijatović said she was deeply saddened upon learning of the death of photojournalist Mustafa Cambaz in Turkey, and worried about the state of media freedom in the country.

Did you know? Journalism is not a crime


Amidst growing pressure on journalism and the freedom of the media in Turkey, a group of journalists has come together to launch a new initiative, named “I am a journalist”

The growing influence of global media in Serbia

12/07/2016 -  Bojan Vučićević

Media Observatory explores the entry and impact of global news media, such as Sputnik and N1, in the Serbian media market

Russia: the risks of the anti-terrorism law


Legislative changes introduced by the anti-terrorism bill approved by the Russian Duma on 24 June will bring severe restrictions on freedom of expression, freedom of thought and the right to privacy

Croatia urged to promote public broadcaster independence


Six press freedom organisations led a three-day mission to Croatia, calling the country’s political leaders to guarantee the independence of the public broadcaster HRT

Can Dündar, for a transnational journalism

04/07/2016 -  Dimitri Bettoni Istanbul

Can Dündar, journalist and chief editor of Turkish newspaper Cuhmuriyet, was sentenced to five years in prison for revelation of state secret. An interview

Bosnian national television: a race against time

01/07/2016 -  Rodolfo Toé Sarajevo

BHRT, the Bosnian national television, postponed the suspension of broadcasts expected since June 30th, but financial difficulties are yet to be solved

Şebnem Korur Fincancı, Erol Önderoğlu Released


Şebnem Korur Fincancı and Erol Önderoğlu have been released

Southeastern Europe: not very digital


According to the data recently released by the European Commission, the EU member states in Southeastern Europe are among the least digital in the continent

Turkey: Message Sent from Arrested Editors-in-Chief on Watch


Three arrested editors-in-chief, Erol Önderoğlu, Şebnem Korur Fincancı, and Ahmet Nesin have sent a message from prison

OSCE Representative on the arrest of two journalists and a human rights activist in Turkey


OSCE Representative appalled by imprisonment of two journalists and a human rights activist in Turkey, urges their release

Bianet journalist Erol Önderoğlu Arrested


TİHV President Fincancı, RSF Turkey Representative and bianet rapporteur Önderoğlu and journalist author Nesin have been arrested on charge of "terror propaganda" for joining Özgür Gündem daily's Editor-in-Chief on Watch campaign

#newsocracy: Safeguarding journalism & exploring owner influence


A conference held on the 3rd of June in Dublin questioned the concept of media diversity and ownership in both online and traditional print media

Investigative and data journalists network thanks to Dataharvest-EIJC 2016


From Friday 3 to Sunday 5 June, in Mechelen, the most relevant event on data Journalism in Europe. Several sessions on freedom of expression are co-promoted by ECPMF

Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Turkey: the 2016 winners of the EU Awards for Investigative Journalism


The second EU Investigate Journalism Awards in the Western Balkans and Turkey have been announced in Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Turkey

Greece: media and migration

03/06/2016 -  Marzia Bona

How to report on migration? How to respect the rights of asylum seekers, refugees, and minorities? The case of Greece and the proposal of the "Charter of Idomeni"

Serbia, Vučić against RTV

01/06/2016 -  Antonela Riha Belgrade

Thousands of citizens protested in Novi Sad for the dismissal of some managing editors of Radio Television Vojvodina, one of the last media that resisted government control

Macedonia: the media struggle

26/05/2016 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski

The media sector in Macedonia is increasingly becoming a battlefield in the struggle between government and the opposition

Bulgaria: Investigative website stripped of prize


Investigative website was stripped of the most prestigious Bulgarian investigative journalism prize awarded by the Radostina Konstantinova Foundation after its managing board decided to overrule the choice of the jury

Croatia: once upon a time there was Novi List

27/05/2016 -  Sven Milekić Zagabria

Once the bastion of the left-wing press, Novi List this last year made an abrupt turnabout in its editorial orientation, with the dismissal and downgrading of its most well-known columnists

Ukraine: journalists blacklisted

31/05/2016 -  Danilo Elia

After the publication of a preliminary list of journalists who had been in Donbass, two new lists have appeared online

First Winners of the EU Award for Investigative Journalism announced


The EU Award for Investigative Journalism has been granted so far in Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia, acknowledging investigations on corruption and social exclusion

ECPMF Young Writers Contest: One thousand words for freedom


The European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) is proud to announce its first competition for young writers

OSCE: Attacks against journalists during demonstrations in B&H must be condemned and investigated


The recent attack against Petar Panjkota, reporter with RTL Croatia television, in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, is unacceptable and must be fully investigated, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović said yesterday

Greek journalists draft ethical code to fight racism on refugees coverage


The European Federation of Journalists is strongly supporting the initiative of its affiliate in Greece the Journalists’ Union of Macedonia and Thrace Daily Newspapers who drafted a proposal for the adoption of the Anti-racism Ethics Code

The Kosovo media under pressure

06/05/2016 -  Violeta Hyseni Kelmendi Pristina

Political interference and lack of adequate financial resources keep haunting independent journalism in Kosovo

Media in Croatia: a cause for alarm

11/05/2016 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Following a five day mission in Zagreb, the Human Rights Commissioner of the Council of Europe, Nils Muižnieks, provides an account on the situation of media freedom in the country. Interview