
North Macedonia and migrants, a story of solidarity

03/01/2022 -  Aleksandar Samardjiev Tetovo

In recent years, thousands of refugees and migrants have crossed North Macedonia towards the heart of the EU. Many received help from Lence Zdravkin, who transformed her home in Veles into an oasis of solidarity and comfort

Frontex denies ‘expelling’ migrant watchdog team from Greek border


EU border agency denies forcing team from Italian-based rights watchdog to leave Greece and go back to North Macedonia, saying due process was followed – and the team had expressed a wish to return to North Macedonia

Dying on the border

16/12/2021 -  Stefano Lusa Koper

Yet another victim on the border between Croatia and Slovenia. This time, a girl lost her life trying to reach Slovenia by crossing the Dragonja River together with her mother and siblings. In the last 4 years, 23 migrants have died in Slovenia

ASGI delegation rejected outside the European Union


A group of members of the Association for Juridical Studies on Immigration (ASGI) was taken into custody by a mixed patrol of Greek policemen, border police and Frontex agents during a technical-legal visit at the Greek-Macedonian border near Idomeni, in Greece, was brought back to the border crossing point and forced to return on foot to Macedonian territory

Breaking (Into) Fortress Europe: Are Bottom-Up Migration Policies Still Possible?

19/11/2021 -  Federico Alagna

The EU approach to migration is based on strongly government-centred, restrictive policies, impervious to the external motions of grassroots actors. Yet, there might still be room for a systemic change from below

Integration of migrants in European rural areas also means development

02/11/2021 -  Gianluca De Feo

The MATILDE research project recently published its first report, in which it aims to offer an alternative view of migration in Europe’s rural and mountain areas.

Dunja Mijatović: : European states must stand up against pushbacks and the attempt to legalise them


Ahead of the EU Council meeting that will discuss migration related topics, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, has released a statement warning against the legalisation of pushbacks, a practice which violates well-established human rights norms and case-law

Migrants in Croatia, the rule of law suspended

14/10/2021 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

This time the violence of the Croatian police against migrants is well documented and unequivocal, so much so that the police themselves are forced to admit its veracity. However, the Minister of the Interior ignores the matter. The EU expresses concern, but its inaction makes it complicit

Slovenia, Croatia: barbed wire

24/09/2021 -  Giovanni Vale

"They ask me 'are you for or against immigration?', but the question makes no sense, there is no need to be for or against, immigration exists. Rather, you have to choose how to manage it". An interview with Tiha K. Gudac, director of the documentary «Žica», barbed wire

Solidarity with Bihac and the importance of transnational ties

28/09/2021 -  Chiara Martini*

Since 2018, many associations, international grassroots movements, and informal groups have taken action to support people in transit along the Balkan route. They stress the need for networking to counter the increasingly widespread criminalisation of organisations in solidarity with migrants

Census in Croatia: certification of the population decline

13/09/2021 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

"Croatia is aging, this is the message that the census will give us. But this will not alarm the government which, like a firefighter, is just going to put out the fires". On the day of the start of the general census in Croatia, we interviewed demographer Marin Strmota

Turkey, growing intolerance for migrants

23/08/2021 -  Filippo Cicciù Istanbul

In Turkey, the recent violence against Syrians in the Altındağ district, in the province of Ankara, has raised the thermometer of intolerance. New migrations from Afghanistan could exasperate the situation

Human rights violations: Frontex knew and did not react

19/07/2021 -  Giulia BassettoRossella Vignola

The European Parliament published its report on the work of Frontex and the violations of the rights of migrants. Numerous issues were highlighted

Violence against migrants in Croatia: Amnesty International denounces the silence of the EU

11/06/2021 -  Toni Gabrić

What is the attitude of Croatia and the European Union towards migrants and refugees trapped at the external borders of the EU? Massimo Moratti, deputy director of Amnesty International’s office for Europe, explains in detail

Majorino: shared responsibility is needed on the rights of migrants

21/05/2021 -  Rossella Vignola

With the suspension of the Frontex budget and the launch of a parliamentary commission to shed light on alleged human rights violations in illegal pushbacks at European borders, the European Parliament affirms the political will to acknowledge the rights of migrants. We talked about it with MEP Pierfrancesco Majorino

The caravan for freedom of movement

16/04/2021 -  Chiara Milan

In Trieste, a civil society initiative focuses on the themes of hospitality, transnational solidarity, and the need to build "the anti-border"

Migrations, media, and the pandemic

04/03/2021 -  Majlinda Aliu

In recent years, migrations have been widely covered by the European media, often in controversial terms. With the outbreak of the pandemic, the situation has changed dramatically, but not for the better. An analysis

The migrant pay gap

02/03/2021 -  Roberta Bertoldi

The latest ILO report shows that migrant workers have more precarious contracts and earn 13 percent less on average than domestic workers, for equal work. This gap is widening, and is particularly stark for female migrants

Serbia, the future on hold

02/02/2021 -  Francesca Rolandi

Why do people emigrate from Serbia? What are the feelings, desires, and perceptions behind such a decision? A study goes to the bottom of these questions

Migrants and refugees’ health in the wake of Covid-19

25/01/2021 -  Emanuela Barbiroglio

With COVID-19 in the spotlight, refugees and undocumented migrants disappeared from public attention. Precisely what swept these communities away from the agenda, however, disproportionately affected them. An analysis by Emanuela Barbiroglio, making use of a survey by the World Health Organisation

A historic verdict: Italy's pushbacks to Slovenia are illegal

26/01/2021 -  Nicole Corritore

The application of the readmission agreement between Italy and Slovenia is illegitimate. This was confirmed by the Court of Rome, that accepted the appeal of a Pakistani citizen who had arrived in Trieste via the Balkan route and was then pushed back to Slovenia and then Bosnia and Herzegovina

UN experts: Bosnia must investigate attacks against woman aiding migrants


Recently, on 5 November, UN human rights experts called on the Bosnian government to investigate a smear campaign and death threats against a woman human rights defender working for the rights of refugees and migrants

Belarusian Information Technology moves to Kiev

12/11/2020 -  Martina Napolitano

Following the protests and the dramatic repression by the regime in Belarus, many decide to leave the country – including many computer scientists who are leaving for neighbouring Ukraine

Go East! Italian emigrants to Yugoslavia

20/07/2020 -  Luke GramithMarco Abram

After the Second World War, thousands left Italy to move to socialist Yugoslavia. Over the years, a lot has been written on this story, now revisited by two new studies on the basis of unpublished documentation

25 years in search of Selma

09/07/2020 -  Nicole Corritore

Selma Musić disappeared in 1995 during the capture of Srebrenica. She was 7. In 2019, her parents discovered in a photo that she had arrived safely on the territory of the Federation. A glimpse of hope to continue their search

Croatia, police abuse is systemic

22/06/2020 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

While the world is outraged and protests after George Floyd's death to denounce institutionalised violence, migrants have been beaten and tortured on the Balkan route for years. A brutal practice often covered up, even by the EU itself

EU: An ever smaller, ever older population

28/05/2020 -  Miriam Santoro

A recently published study outlines the EU’s demographic future: in 2080, if current trends continue, the EU population will fall from the current 513 million people to 504 million, while flight from rural areas shows no sign of slowing. We take a look at south-eastern Europe, by way of the global context

COVID-19: no one is safe until all are protected!


Dozens of activists from South Eastern European countries, under the name of "Transbalkan Solidarity Group", have launched an appeal to the European Union, the Commission, the governments of EU member states and the Balkan countries, in order to safeguard refugees and migrants without any discrimination or esclusion

The European Parliament must intervene to stop violence and human rights violations at the EU-Turkey border


Many European organisations have made an appeal to the European Parliament in order to stop violence and the use of force against defenseless people at the EU-Turkey border and to restore legality and respect for human rights, including the right to asylum

Balkan route: fragile calmness on the Bulgarian front

06/03/2020 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

Good relations with Turkey and especially with president Erdoğan, at all costs: this is how prime minister Boyko Borisov has managed to protect Bulgaria from the new migration crisis. However, this strategy may be based on fragile foundations