
Of the invisible and the disappeared. Notes from the Turkish-Greek border

09/03/2020 -  Deniz Şenol SertIlhan Zeynep Karakılıç

Two Turkish sociologists and journalists went to see with their own eyes what is happening on the border between Turkey and Greece. An intense reportage

Time to immediately act and to address humanitarian and protection needs of people trapped between Turkey and Greece


The human rights situation at the border between Turkey and Greece where thousands of vulnerable men, women and children are trapped between borders without access to assistance or the possibility to seek international protection is an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. Urgent action is now needed to prevent the situation from getting even worse.

How the Greek policy on migration is changing

04/02/2020 -  Eleni Stamatoukou Thessaloniki

Greece has a new center-right government since summer 2019. More and more controls and constraints are imposed on asylum seekers: the government claims that the system will become more efficient, but some organisations are unconvinced

The problem with refugee camps in Greece

14/01/2020 -  Eleni Stamatoukou Thessaloniki

More than 100,000 migrants and refugees are still present in Greece. Many of them live in refugee camps, which are not appropriate accommodation solutions because of their location in faraway, poory connected areas

Indians of Armenia

30/12/2019 -  Armine Avetysian

The number of foreign citizens migrating to Armenia is constantly growing, including Indian citizens. Thousands arrived in the first nine months of 2019

Balkans, dreaming of a future elsewhere

06/12/2019 -  Majlinda AliuAleksandar ManasievAleksandra Bogdani Dušan MladjenovićMilica Marinović

Many people, above all young and qualified, emigrate or dream of emigrating from the Balkans to other European countries. A phenomenon that puts entire sectors of the economy at risk, and that warrants urgent answers

2019: escape from the Balkans

25/11/2019 -  Francesca RolandiChristian Elia

A growing phenomenon with worrying implications: the flight of workers, skilled or otherwise, from former Yugoslavia. A look at the data and political responses.

How many Bulgarians live in Europe?

09/10/2019 -  Yoanna IvanovaZornitsa StoilovaAnina Santova

Bulgaria is experiencing massive flows of emigration. Yet, not everyone goes away for the same reason, or moves to another EU country with the same life plans

Croatia: those who leave

19/09/2019 -  Francesca Rolandi

While Croatia may be a paradise for tourism, actually living and working there is a lot more difficult. Croatian workers move abroad in large numbers: a phenomenon rooted in a combination of both long-term and short-term factors. An analysis

Between two families: stories of migrant domestic workers in Greece

18/03/2019 -  Elvira Krithari Athens

Anna, Maria, and many others. In Greece, thousands of migrant women work as domestic helpers and carers. A difficult life, suspended between legality and informal sector, country of origin and destination, pride and regret

Afghan immigrants in Turkey, a challenging life

28/02/2019 -  Burcu Karakaş Istanbul

Afghans represent Turkey's largest community of irregular migrants, still growing despite forced repatriations, denied rights, and difficult living conditions

China-Armenia: do you speak English?

23/01/2019 -  Armine Avetisyan

The new frontier for Armenian English teachers seems to be China: the possibility of working at higher salaries attracts more and more workers

There’s an urgent need for foreign labour in Croatia

29/01/2019 -  Francesca Rolandi

Fewer births, greater life expectancy, emigration. These are some of the ingredients adding up to local labour shortages - now a major problem in many Eastern European countries

Kosovo, dreaming of a life abroad

19/12/2018 -  Majlinda Aliu Pristina

Although Kosovo is still on the "black list" of Schengen, many of its citizens dream of a future abroad. Among the most qualified professional categories, such as doctors, we can already speak of brain drain

Cowboy Makedonski

18/12/2018 -  Francesca Rolandi

A documentary tells the story of a young Macedonian who arrived in Italy in the 1990s, looking for a job. We talked with the authors of this Italian-Macedonian production

Croatia, criminalisation of solidarity

08/11/2018 -  Francesca Rolandi

With 700 cases of reports of violence and theft against migrants at the border, Croatia holds the negative record among the countries of the area. Meanwhile, intimidation against solidarity increases and the first convictions pour down

Migrants, the EU passes the buck to Bosnia and Herzegovina

05/11/2018 -  Giovanni Vale Velika Kladuša

Bosnia is stuck with having to "defend" the EU's external borders. Is this the price to pay for membership? This is the question asked by some inhabitants of Velika Kladuša and Bihać, new junctions of the Balkan route. A report

"Border correction", a dangerous game

12/10/2018 -  Majlinda Aliu Pristina

In recent months there has been an increasing talk of a swap of territories between Serbia and Kosovo: a solution that raises concerns and question marks. The debate among the Kosovo Albanians

Bjelave's children: looking for Sedina

25/09/2018 -  Nicole Corritore

Our investigation continues on the dramatic case of the 46 children from the Bjelave orphanage in Sarajevo. The second part of the interview with human rights activist Jagoda Savić, who has been dealing with the case since 2000

Tirana: a street not to forget Alessandro Leogrande

26/09/2018 -  Erion Gjatolli Tirana

Less than a year after his untimely death, Albania celebrates Alessandro Leogrande. The Municipality of Tirana dedicates him a street and his Albanian publisher celebrates his work. Here, we remember him through a conversation he had with his friend Nicola Lagioa

The Bjelave children: the case is still open

21/09/2018 -  Nicole Corritore

During the siege, 46 children from the Sarajevo orphanage were sheltered in Italy. Although not all of them were orphans, they were not repatriated, but given up for adoption. Some of the biological parents have been looking for them for years. An interview with human rights activist Jagoda Savić, who has been dealing with the case since 2000

Armenia, a new type of tourism

10/09/2018 -  Armine Avetisyan

The Armenian city of Gyumri has become a destination for many people from Central Asia. Tourism? In reality they are workers who need a passage "abroad" to obtain a reconfirmation of their visa in Russia

Turkey, the plight of women refugees

18/09/2018 -  Fazıla Mat

Women make up almost half of the Syrians under temporary protection in Turkey. In addition to the difficulties arising from their condition of refugees, they often face sexual violence and patriarchal norms

Festivals bring the world to Kosovo

04/09/2018 -  Majlinda Aliu Pristina

Music festivals and cultural events: this summer Kosovo has seen many initiatives meant to promote the country abroad and provide new inspiration to its young population, which remains the most isolated in Europe

#Diciotti, tweets, and #Albania: solidarity at the time of the web

31/08/2018 -  Nicola Pedrazzi

Despite tweets and announcements, no asylum seeker of the Diciotti ship has been transferred from Italy to Albania. Without their consent, the solution proclaimed by the two governments would be illegal. A comment

Pakistani Journalist Among Migrants in Bosnia: A Refugee from Oppression

27/08/2018 -  Adis Nadarević Sarajevo

The story of Muhammad Yasir, Pakistano journalist who fled from his country and who now lives in the nylon tents of the migrant camp in Velika Kladusa

When Europeans seek asylum

06/09/2018 -  Lorenzo Ferrari

Every year, almost 100,000 Europeans seek asylum in EU countries, and the number of applications continues to grow. Yet this is a phenomenon which remains at the margins of the debate on asylum – and that on EU enlargement

Croatia, refugees and responsibilities

28/06/2018 -  Francesca Rolandi

Two years after its entry into the European Union, Croatia saw the arrival of the first waves of refugees and migrants. With the change of government in 2016, the first instances of solidarity gave way to rejection and violence.

Reform of the Dublin Regulation – Towards another wasted opportunity?

21/05/2018 -  Francesca Spinelli

Prolonged discussions and disagreements between governments threaten the necessary reform of European rules on the right of asylum

Sardinia: shepherds of Romania

19/07/2018 -  Francesca Rolandi

They mostly come from the Romanian region of Moldova, and since the early 2000s they have migrated to Sardinia, where they are employed in the agro-pastoral sector. A phenomenon analysed by anthropologist Sergio Contu