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Journalists Behind Bars

13/10/2016 -  Mogens Blicher Bjerregård* Brussels

Killings, imprisonments and other methods to silence journalists happens all too often, in Europe as elsewhere in the world. In this editorial, the importance of being on the side of those who are threatened

Serbia: the Babylonian spirits of Viminacium

07/10/2016 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrade

A few miles from Požarevac, in the archaeological site of Viminacium, an archaeologist known as the “Serbian Indiana Jones” has made some surprising discovers

Women fighters in Ukraine

04/10/2016 -  Katja Garmasch

Between war, nationalism and rapprochement with the West, women, in Ukraine, are changing society. A reportage

Greek editor sentenced for criticising school director’s extremist views

03/10/2016 -  Lambrini Papadopoulou Athens

Three months in jail or a fee of 1,603 €: the punishment for a Greek journalist exposing the extremist positions of a school headmaster discourages other journalists from writing freely

Azerbaijan: autocracy, before and after the referendum

29/09/2016 -  Arzu Geybullayeva

The referendum held on September 26 in Azerbaijan confirmed the adoption of 29 constitutional amendments, strengthening the power of the ruling elite

Kelebija, transit area

29/09/2016 -  Marzia Bona Kelebija

On the border between Serbia and Hungary, the situation is dramatic. Thousands of people, crammed into makeshift camps, are waiting to cross the border into the EU. Reportage

Government steps up its “no” campaign

28/09/2016 -  Yann Schreiber

On 2 October, Hungary will vote on a EU refugee distribution scheme. The government, who is calling on the population to reject the Commission's proposal, recently stepped up a taxpayer-funded campaign many say is xenophobic and fear-mongering

South Caucasus and the Balkans: child protection

27/09/2016 -  Mariana IanachieviciDaniela Buzducea

An Index that serves to remind countries of their commitments to child protection. Created jointly by World Vision and ChildPact, it will be launched in Brussels on 28 September

Slow Food Romania: the Saxons and the Bazna pig

20/09/2016 -  Francesco Martino Bazna

The Bazna pig was born and bred in the late 19th-century Transylvania. Today, after the Saxon community that had selected it emigrated, the pig is likely to disappear as well

Turkey: LGBT, state of emergency

19/09/2016 -  Fazıla Mat

After the failed coup in Turkey, the state of emergency exacerbates discrimination and attacks against the LGBT community

Journalism in Turkey: my days in jail after the coup

15/09/2016 -  Bülent Mumay* Istanbul

The attempted coup of July 15 and its harsh impact on Turkish media and journalists. An editorial by Bulent Mumay, of one of the journalists arrested in those days and later released

Fleeing Romanians: The Story of Those Who Made It Over the Border

14/09/2016 -  Marina ConstantinoiuIstvan Deak

Twenty-seven years ago, Western Europe welcomed European brethren escaping from Eastern European regimes, relegated to living in oppressive communist regimes

Bosnia Herzegovina according to Eldin

13/09/2016 -  Massimo Moratti

As the electoral campaign unfolds in Bosnia Herzegovina, so does nationalist rhetoric, reviving the idea of conflict. But what is war? In a post on Facebook, Eldin Kurbašić explains it

Turkey, theatre after the attempted coup

09/09/2016 -  Emre Yalçın*

How can art react to the serious political crisis in Turkey? An interview with Semih Çelenk, theatre professor at the Dokuz Eylül University in Izmir

Ukraine: freedom of the press jeopardized

06/09/2016 -  Danilo Elia

One month after the car bomb that killed journalist Pavel Sheremet, the discovery of Alexander Shchetinin’s death. These casualties mark a climate of rising pressure against the Ukrainian press

Moldova: prisons, transition, and the Hamlet

06/09/2016 -  Francesco Brusa

All Moldovan prison facilities still date back to the Soviet era, with poor conditions for prisoners. And yet something is moving to reform the system. A reportage

Enver Kazaz: Turkophilia in the Bosniak mentality

01/09/2016 -  Eldin Hadžović

Enver Kazaz, Professor of Literature at the Philosophy Faculty at the University of Sarajevo, talks about the reactions of the Bosniak political and academic elite to the recent attempted coup d’etat in Turkey

Azerbaijan: Aliyev-style referendum

31/08/2016 -  Arzu Geybullayeva

Attempts to strengthen the regime in Azerbaijan: a forthcoming referendum aims to prolong the presidential term and to lower to 18 years the minimum age to be elected President

Fleeing Romanians: Who Clipped Their Wings in Mid Flight?

26/08/2016 -  Marina ConstantinoiuIstvan Deak

Romanian “border jumpers” tried to flee the Communist regime, often paying with their lives. After 26 years, this issue remains a black hole in the history of the country

Between defiance and compliance: a new civil society in the post-Yugoslav space?

26/08/2016 -  Tijana Morača

The civic initiative ’We won’t let Belgrade d(r)own’ brought thousands of people on the streets of the Serbian capital in the last months. An Occasional paper