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Srebrenica, the weight of a vote

23/11/2016 -  Alfredo Sasso

The local elections of October 2nd brought Srebrenica its first Serbian mayor, supported by a coalition of nationalist parties

Time for Kosovo's media to get serious on transitional justice

22/11/2016 -  Nora Ahmetaj*

Journalists in Kosovo should not avoid the complex issue of transitional justice

Macedonia, detention and censorship

21/11/2016 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski

Censorship in Macedonia: the controversial case of Zoran Bozinovski, a journalist charged with criminal conspiracy, espionage and extortion, arrested in April 2016 and still in detention, while waiting for is trial to eventually start

Europe: access to information in practice, not just on paper

17/11/2016 -  Andreas Pavlou*

250 years after the first transparency law in Europe adopted in Sweden in 1766, Europeans need access to information in practice, not just on paper. An editorial

Wiki4MediaFreedom in 10 points

16/11/2016 -  Rossella Vignola

On November 21st, OBC Transeuropa organises in Belgrade a writing marathon of Wikipedia entries on press freedom. The initiative is part of a larger project – here it is, in 10 points

Verona-Kiev, one way

15/11/2016 -  Danilo Elia

Almost a year since the theft of masterpieces by Mantegna, Rubens, Tintoretto and other masters from the Castelvecchio museum in Verona, and six months after their discovery in Ukraine, the paintings remain in Kiev

"We are not audience hunters": Romanian House of Journalists

11/11/2016 -  Stela Giurgeanu

“We are not audience hunters” explains Vlad Ursulean, founder of the "House of Journalist". A project meant to revitalize journalism in Romania

Bosnia and Herzegovina: the return of Fikret Abdić

08/11/2016 -  Alfredo Sasso

Founder of Agrokomerc, sentenced to 10 years for war crimes, Fikret Abdić, the new mayor of his hometown Velika Kladuša, visited Sarajevo after 23 years to officialize his new position

Hungary, after the referendum

07/11/2016 -  Marzia Bona

After a controversial and divisive referendum, what is the outlook for Hungary and the region on the subject of refugees? We interviewed Gábor Gyulai, of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee

Bulgaria, amid presidential elections and the referendum

03/11/2016 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

On November 6, Bulgarians vote for the Head of State but also to answer three questions in a referendum proposed by a television showman

Bosnia Herzegovina for sale

02/11/2016 -  Željana Grubišić

Massive land and real estate sale to foreign nationals in the central Balkan country points to growing corruption and brings little benefit to the country

Romania: public broadcaster threatened by populism

31/10/2016 -  Marina Constantinoiu

A few weeks before the elections, the Romanian Parliament abolished the radio-television fee posing the public broadcaster under direct financing from the state budget

Self-made women, from Ukraine to Italy

28/10/2016 -  Elena RisiValentina Vivona

Thousands of high-skilled Ukrainian women living in Italy are offered jobs for which they are over-qualified. But some of them manage to get their title acknowledged

Turkey: censorship reaches Europe

26/10/2016 -  Fazıla Mat

A Kurdish television station based in Italy was blacked out at the request of the Turkish authorities. The reconstruction of the occurence

When young refugees in Greece go to school

24/10/2016 -  Gilda Lyghounis

In Greece, 20,000 minor refugees have recently started attending local schools. This decision has caused both fear and denial, but the majority of the population is in favour

Ukraine, land of IDPs

21/10/2016 -  Danilo Elia

Two years after the outbreak of war in Donbas, there are many internally displaced persons in Ukraine. After the initial burst of solidarity by citizens, however, the willingness to host is wearing thin

Our man in Moldova

21/10/2016 -  Eleanor KnottMihai Popșoi

In courting the country’s most loathed oligarch, the EU and US will only lose the sympathy of ordinary Moldovans

Fleeing Romanians: The reenactment of an escape route

19/10/2016 -  Marina ConstantinoiuIstvan Deak

As conjurers, Romanians defectors fled the country and the regime hidden in car-trunks, vans, trains ceilings and even airplanes

Pankisi, the land of the offspring

17/10/2016 -  Matteo ZolaEmanuele Cassano

A journey to Duisi, the principal village in the valley of Pankisi in north-eastern Georgia where many of its children have rebuffed the traditions of the fathers. Report

Turkey, the coup seen by CNN Turk

14/10/2016 -  Dimitri Bettoni Istanbul

The journalists of the Turkish CNN experienced first hand the attempted coup, since their premises were occupied by the coup leaders. Interview with Ferhat Boratav, managing editor of CNN Turk