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Bosnia and Herzegovina, journalists under attack

18/01/2017 -  Adis Šušnjar Sarajevo

Also in 2016, physical attacks, threats, and serious limitations have made the life of journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina increasingly difficult

Serbia: the moral damage of the Interior Minister

16/01/2017 -  Antonela Riha Belgrado

Interior Minister Nebojša Stefanović sued the weekly NIN and won the case for moral damages as a result of a cover dedicated to Savamala scandal

Social inclusion and the integration of refugees in the labour market

12/01/2017 -  Sergio Cebrián

Finding work for refugees is key for their integration into the EU. But neither national governments nor EU institutions have yet been able to find an adequate response to this question

Serbia needs to investigate asylum seekers push backs

11/01/2017 -  Marzia Bona

A refugee family forced by the police to get off a bus and abandoned in a forest at a temperature of 11 degrees below zero, near the border with Bulgaria. An attempt of illegal expulsion?

European Union: Who enforces fundamental rights?

10/01/2017 -  Alberto Tagliapietra

Setting high standards for aspiring member countries, but ineffective with Member States: European institutions have problems with fundamental rights

The curves of the Georgian alphabet seduce UNESCO

09/01/2017 -  Monica Ellena Tbilisi

After evolving in parallel for centuries, thanks to UNESCO, the three Georgian alphabets became intangible cultural heritage of humanity. A living and charming heritage, but one to be protected

Armenia: Let's hope it's (not) a girl

04/01/2017 -  Emanuele Cassano

Armenia is the second country in the world for the rate of selective abortions because of an obsessive desire for male children

The defector who took the Romanian State to court

02/01/2017 -  Marina ConstantinoiuIstvan Deak

Considered as dangerous as criminals by the Romanian regime, defectors were long prosecuted and criminalized. One of them now seeks justice for all Romanian defectors

Omer Karabeg: The Bridge

30/12/2016 -  Luka Zanoni

For over 20 years, Omer Karabeg has hosted a programme titled Most (Bridge). The show deals with thorny, uncomfortable topics, seeking to create a dialogue between people of different viewpoints

Cécile Kyenge on Europe and migrations

22/12/2016 -  Fazıla Mat

Facing the migration problem means keeping the European project alive. We spoke to the author of a recent report on the issue, Cécile Kyenge, Italian member of the European parliament

New alarm for public TV in Bosnia and Herzegovina

21/12/2016 -  Adis Šušnjar Sarajevo

The situation of public radio-television in Bosnia and Herzegovina is deteriorating, while pressures increase for the creation of three ethnonational channels

Rajko Grlić: "Films are like acupuncture"

20/12/2016 -  Sven Milekić Zagreb

Director Rajko Grlić is the author, together with writer and columnist Ante Tomić, of a film that has become a smash in southeast Europe. Four characters and an exam on the Constitution. Interview

Sarajevo-Amsterdam: looking for freedom

15/12/2016 -  Azra Nuhefendić

Vondelpark, a cult attraction for hippies from all over Europe. Azra went there too, along with Snježana, Cvele, Paja and Gorki who spent a summer there in the 70

Kosovo's public discourse is toxic

13/12/2016 -  Mikra Krasniqi*

In Kosovo portals, websites, and blogs, that are supposedly there to inform society, have turned into a toxic arena for personal feuds, while it's difficult to find a minimum of critical analysis on any given topic

Elections in Macedonia, Special Prosecutor’s Office berated as opposition’s proxy

08/12/2016 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski

As 11th December early elections are getting closer, the Macedonian Special Prosecutor’s Office came under attack from ruling VMRO, which claims the office is supporting the opposition's campaign

Media in Moldova: oligarchy in power

05/12/2016 -  Francesco Brusa Chișinău

Nadine Gogu heads a centre in support of independent journalism in the country. She tells us about media oligarchs, Russian propaganda, and the future of online information

Media in Serbia, someone says no

02/12/2016 -  Luka Zanoni Belgrade

Media lynchings, physical assaults, threats. This is what investigative journalists face in Vučić's Serbia. An interview with Branko Čečen, director of the Center for Investigative Journalism of Serbia (CINS)

The upcoming presidential election in Transnistria

01/12/2016 -  Giorgio Comai

Presidential elections in Transnistria are scheduled for 11 December 2016. With substantial overlapping in the programmes of the two main contenders, the decisive factor are pro-Russian credentials

Informality and corruption in Ukrainian University

28/11/2016 -  Abel PoleseTetiana Stepurko

In Ukraine, one of the sources of income for university professors are informal payments from students. But this weights on the future of the country

With the refugees in Gaziantep

24/11/2016 -  Gian Matteo Apuzzo* Gaziantep

Only 92 kilometres separate Gaziantep and Aleppo – two cities close to each other in terms of geography and history, now divided by war. A report from the south of Turkey, on the border with Syria