
The new wall and us: children who do and don't remember

25/08/2015 -  André Cunha, (with the collaboration of Móni Bense)

Chronicle of a journey along the border between Hungary and Serbia in late June and early July, a week from the building of a new wall in Europe. Second Episode

The new wall and us: Paradise lost

21/08/2015 -  André Cunha (with the collaboration of Móni Bense) Szeged

From the boundary between Hungary and Serbia, where a new wall is being built. The first episode of a reportage

Turkey of refugees, on the Syrian border

03/08/2015 -  Dimitri Bettoni Suruç

Akçakale, Suruç, villages and refugee camps on the Syrian border. Last steps of the journey in the Turkey of refugees. Third and final part of the report

Turkey of refugees

17/07/2015 -  Dimitri Bettoni Istanbul

According to the latest UNHCR estimates, approximately 1.770,000 refugees have reached Turkey since 2011 to date. We devote a report to their situation in Istanbul, Diyarbakir, and Urfa. The first episode

Macedonia: last stop towards fortress Europe

30/06/2015 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski

The path of the migrants towards the EU is full of risks. Following the Balkan route, the 200 km crossing Macedonia can be the most deadly. Our report

Sarajevo, today

24/04/2015 -  Azra Nuhefendić

Sarajevo is not the city it once was. There are no longer tens of thousands of inhabitants – some have betrayed it, others have left it. But it can't be blamed for this. Slowly it's coming back to life, as if after an earthquake

Far from Kosovo

21/01/2015 -  Violeta Hyseni Kelmendi Pristina

Young Kosovo citizens are leaving the country in growing numbers, looking for a better future in the EU, as they realize that independence did not entail economic growth

“Sins and Innocents”, by Burhan Sönmez

04/04/2014 -  Diego Zandel

Many small stories make up a larger one which takes place between Turkey and Cambridge (UK), linking memories and exile. Interview with the Turkish writer Burhan Sönmez

Winter asylum in the EU

02/04/2014 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Germany is reviewing its regulations in order to discourage false asylum seekers from the Balkans, mainly of Roma origin, knocking at its door. But not all Roma asylum requests are fake

Romania: the stigma on migrant mothers

18/02/2014 -  Cristina Bezzi

Romanian women having to look for work abroad are often accused in their country of abandoning their children. The picture, however, is more complex

Tirana Ekspress: destination – future

07/01/2014 -  Nicola Pedrazzi Tirana

Since the summer of 2011, the Tirana Ekspress has been the go-to place for young Albanians tired of mainstream musical hegemony in the bllok, the neighbourhood that once housed the communist nomenklatura

The rising emergency of asylum seekers in Serbia

12/12/2013 -  Federico Sicurella Belgrade

They flee Countries like Syria, where their lives are endangered, but are rejected by the local population who sets up barricades and fires. The tragedy of asylum seekers in Serbia

Greece-Albania, a return-only ticket

19/11/2013 -  Gilda Lyghounis

Because of the crisis, about 200,000 Albanian migrants have decided to leave Greece and return to their homeland. A difficult choice for the youngest ones, who have to adapt to a country they do not know

Bulgaria: the arrival of Syrian refugees

16/09/2013 -  Francesco Martino Svilengrad

Hundreds of Syrian refugees have crossed the Bulgarian border fleeing the war. About 500 have been placed in the transit center of Pastrogor, near the border with Greece and Turkey. Our report

Romania: the children's emergency

26/06/2013 -  Cristina Bezzi

The migratory flow from Romania to other European countries has left behind hundreds of thousands of children, who are experiencing a “transnational childhood”. The phenomenon is particularly intense in the Romanian Moldova

The Chișinău center for Eastern border migrants

27/05/2013 -  Bernardo Venturi Chișinău

The Moldovan capital Chișinău has its own center for migrants, to reject them before they even get to the European Union. We paid a visit

Journey to Soviet Armenia, port stop in war-torn Naples

14/03/2013 -  Hazel Antaramian Hofman

A group of 162 American-Armenians on a journey form New York towards Armenia in 1949 stops in the port of war-torn Naples. Women and men who soon afterwards would be living in Stalin's USSR are astonished by the misery they see in post war Italy

Between Syria and Turkey: the Kurdish factor

17/01/2013 -  Alberto Tetta Ceylanpinar

In north-eastern Syria, a region with a Kurdish majority, the civil war becomes a clash between the Free Syrian Army and the Kurdish-Syrian separatists of the Democratic Union Party (PYD). A report by our correspondent from the Turkish-Syrian border

Armenian migrants in Turkey: an all-female story

20/11/2012 -  Fazıla Mat Istanbul

Unofficial data state that between 10 and 20.000 Armenian immigrants work in Turkey illegally. The majority of them are women. Their children have no documents and are not granted the right to education. Our report

Visas, Serbia, and Fortress Europe

13/11/2012 -  Federico Sicurella Belgrade

Three years ago, the elimination of visa requirements for Western Balkan citizens to travel in the EU was a breath of fresh air. Now, however, due to the numerous asylum requests, the Western Balkans are facing the threat of the measure being revoked. The case of Serbia, between asylum seekers and re-admissions

Saint Lazarus, the persecuted

23/10/2012 -  Paolo Martino

‘Everybody talks about Syria, but nobody does anything. Instead of stopping the whips, people count while we are being flogged. How is that possible?’ Ibrahim is twenty years-old, lives in Damascus and longs for a different Syria. The last episode of “From the Caucasus to Beirut”, a journey on the discovery of the Middle-Eastern Armenian diaspora

It’s your sister, Vartuhi

25/09/2012 -  Paolo Martino

‘With time, the Countries we live in - Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq - have become our home. Arabic has become our language. Unleavened bread has become our food. But let’s not forget it: we belong to a different history’. In the twelfth episode of the series “From the Caucasus to Beirut”, Paolo Martino returns among the Armenians of Lebanon

Sunsets and the printer of Amman

18/09/2012 -  Paolo Martino

Amman is the capital of a Country hovering between remaining faithful to a pro-Western monarchy and the shock wave of the Arab Spring. A community of three thousand Armenians, a small star in the firmament of the diaspora, lives and survives the contradictions of the Middle-East. The eleventh episode of our report “From the Caucasus to Beirut”

The Armenians of Musa Dagh

14/09/2012 -  Paolo Martino

An Armenian, a Syrian and a Turk are playing cards in the only inn in town. The three eldersliven up an empty room with ritual jokes, amidst the vapor of coffee. Each of their lives is asynthesis of individual and collective stories gone bad, forsaken like this place. The tenth episode of the story “From the Caucasus to Beirut”

The burden of truth

03/09/2012 -  Paolo Martino

1915: in the countryside around Diyarbakyr, Armenians and Kurds have been living together for centuries. The Ottoman empire, on the verge of collapse, is about to launch its witch-hunt. Ethnic cleansing in Anatolia is systematic. But some men, helped by luck or their neighbors, manage to save themselves. The ninth episode of our report, “From the Caucasus to Beirut”

On board the Pobeda

25/07/2012 -  Paolo Martino

Vartuhi left Beirut in 1946, to reach Soviet Armenia aboard a ship called "Pobeda". In Stalin's land, however, the survivors of the genocide saw the dream of a homeland turn into a nightmare. Travelling to the Caucasus on the paths of migrations. Fourth episode of the story "From the Caucasus to Beirut"

Sarop’s armed struggle

12/07/2012 -  Paolo Martino

Arafat’s bodyguard, then on the front line in the Armenian armed struggle and for 10 years a prisoner in a Syrian jail. “When I came out, everything had changed. The USSR no longer existed”. The meeting with Sarop, in Beirut’s Armenian quarter. The second episode of the report “From the Caucasus to Beirut”

Croatia on the Balkan migration route

07/06/2012 -  Francesca Rolandi

Croatia is on the so-called Balkan route of migration that runs from Serbia to the countries of the EU. How does the country, soon to become the 28th Member State of the Union, deal with migration issues? We have asked Julija Kranjec, expert in asylum and migration policy of the Centre for Peace Studies in Zagreb

Good reasons to invest in Moldova

16/05/2012 -  Bernardo Venturi Chişinău

Valeriu Lazar, 40, Minister of the Economy and Deputy Prime Minister of Moldova since 2009, took office in the middle of the economic crisis and is one of the government's leading figures. In this interview, he talks about Moldova's response to the crisis, its model of development, and its investment opportunities

Shushi/Shusha, living in a symbol

15/05/2012 -  Elias Pinteri Shushi/Shusha

At the beginning of May 1992, in one of the hardest battles during the recent conflict in Nagorno Karabakh, the Armenians took the city of Shushi/Shusha. A portrait of the city 20 years later