
Of the invisible and the disappeared. Notes from the Turkish-Greek border

09/03/2020 -  Deniz Şenol SertIlhan Zeynep Karakılıç

Two Turkish sociologists and journalists went to see with their own eyes what is happening on the border between Turkey and Greece. An intense reportage

Armenian activists turn art into protest

04/03/2020 -  Shushan Abrahamyan

Graffiti on the walls of Yerevan are both art and political activism. A reportage

Bosnia and Herzegovina, institutions blocked at the Dayton market

27/02/2020 -  Alfredo Sasso

Milorad Dodik – current member of the tripartite state presidency – has launched the RS-Exit for the secession of Republika Srpska from Bosnia and Herzegovina. For some, yet another bluff; for others, a dangerous sign. Collaterally, the Constitutional Court is under attack

Ukraine: from press freedom to censorship risks

25/02/2020 -  Claudia Bettiol Kiev

Last January the Ukrainian Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sports presented a bill in order to change the media and disinformation law. The proposal, however, has raised criticism from the opposition, journalists, and media experts, who see their right to freedom of opinion threatened

A Contested Attempt at Transitional Justice – the Kosovo Specialist Chambers

20/02/2020 -  Meris MušanovićArolda Elbasani

A "hybrid" institution – based in the Hague, but part of the judicial system of Kosovo, the new special court for the crimes of the UCK promises, among many criticisms, a new approach to transnational justice

Hocus Pocus – Aliyev Style election

12/02/2020 -  Arzu Geybullayeva

Magic is what comes to mind when trying to find the right words to describe the snap parliamentary election that took place last Sunday, February 9th in Azerbaijan

Bosnia-Herzegovina and the EU: a limbo within a limbo

03/02/2020 -  Alfredo Sasso

The EU perspective is less and less present in the public agenda because of many factors: disenchantment with never-ending enlargement, disillusion caused by the image of the EU’s internal crisis, negative perception of the EU’s role in the Balkan route migrant crisis, emigration drain

Serbia: elections are approaching, pressure on the media is growing

04/02/2020 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrade

The Telekom company, of which the state is the majority owner, has removed from its cable offer N1, the only television network aimed at the general public that also presents critical positions towards the current majority

Diplomacy and the war in Ukraine

11/02/2020 -  Filippo Rosin

Last December, Ukrainian President Zelensky and Russia's Putin met under the aegis of France and Germany. Since then, however – although much has been said about Ukraine because of Trump's impeachment and the shooting down of the Boeing in Iran – little has changed in the Donbas conflict.

Azerbaijani elections, for Rasul Jafarov this time is different

16/01/2020 -  Claudia Ditel

Well-known human rights defender, lawyer, and former political prisoner Rasul Jafarov intends to run for the next parliamentary elections with the REAL party – only if the regime allows him to. An interview

The problem with refugee camps in Greece

14/01/2020 -  Eleni Stamatoukou Thessaloniki

More than 100,000 migrants and refugees are still present in Greece. Many of them live in refugee camps, which are not appropriate accommodation solutions because of their location in faraway, poory connected areas

Azerbaijan: 2019, year of make-up

13/01/2020 -  Arzu Geybullayeva

It was a rather hectic year in 2019 in Azerbaijan, President Aliyev decided on a series of changes, layoffs and replacements of senior officials. For some a wave of reforms, for others yet another make-up, in view of the early parliamentary elections of 9th February

Albania: the winter of representative democracy

09/01/2020 -  Gentiola Madhi

A new wave of protests is expected to mark the beginning of 2020 in Albania. With a fragmented opposition and a non-representative Parliament, civic protests may serve as a catalyst for further democratisation and freedom of speech

Italy: doing politics with politicians’ money

19/12/2019 -  Gianluca De FeoOrnaldo Gjergji

After the abolition of direct public funding of politics in 2013, Italy intended to increase private donations. However, the numbers tell a different story: little funding comes from “big donors”, while a lot comes from elected representatives. Meanwhile, the absence of direct public funding in Italy remains a European anomaly.

Albania: the civic duty of protecting the National Theatre

18/12/2019 -  Gentiola Madhi

The 20-month long protests against the demolition of the National Theatre reflect not only the need to protect the country's common historical and cultural heritage, but also citizens’ demands for further democratisation of Albania

North Macedonia in the "mini Schengen" looking glass

12/12/2019 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski Skopje

North Macedonia has enthusiastically welcomed the mini-Schengen initiative in the Western Balkans, wanted by Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić. A deeper analysis, however, reveals many doubts and concerns

Ukraine: Zelenski-Putin meeting

09/12/2019 -  Filippo Rosin

Today in Paris, within the framework of the "Normandy Group", Ukrainian President Zelensky and Russian President Putin will meet. A picture of the political situation in Ukraine and in the Donbas

Greece: New Democracy pushes a tougher agenda on refugees

02/12/2019 -  Elvira Krithari Atene

After the victory in the last elections, New Democracy has given a new course to policies for migrants and refugees, which risks further weakening the protection mechanisms available to them

Croatia, presidential elections coming up

19/11/2019 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

The elections for President of Croatia will be held on December 22nd, with the likely runoff scheduled on January 5th, 2020. The favourites are outgoing president Grabar-Kitarović and former prime minister and former leader of the Social Democrats Zoran Milanović

End Violence Against Children: who has heard of INSPIRE strategies in South Eastern Europe and the Caucasus?

13/11/2019 -  Roxana TodeaCristina Rigman

According to the World Health Organisation, the seven INSPIRE strategies are the most effective in reducing violence against children. ChildPact and its members surveyed 296 child focused organisations and institutions across South-Eastern Europe and the Caucasus to find out who's working on the INSPIRE package

The slogans of '89 have been appropriated by neonazis

21/11/2019 -  Paola Rosà

OBCT is among the founders of ECPMF, a media freedom centre based in Leipzig – just where the demonstrations that would lead to the collapse of the Wall started in October 1989. Thirty years later, one of the slogans of that revolutionary autumn has become an angry claim on the electoral posters of the far-right AfD party

Presidential elections in Romania: wet powders

08/11/2019 -  Francesco Magno

Unlike in the past, the presidential campaign for November 10th is particularly subdued. Outgoing president Klaus Iohannis, as the favourite, will probably take the most advantage from this state of affairs. An analysis

The funding of politics in Italy

18/11/2019 -  Fazıla MatNiccolò Caranti

In Italy the abolition of direct public funding to parties gave a greater role to private financing, increasing the risk of undue influence on the democratic process. A dossier as a part of the ESVEI project

French "no" to UE negotiations causes early elections in North Macedonia

24/10/2019 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski Skopje

North Macedonia remains at the EU's door again, this time because of France's opposition. Disappointed with the "Macron" vote, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev tries to run for cover by calling for early elections

Serbia: who profits from arms sales?

28/10/2019 -  Antonela Riha Belgrade

In the arms trafficking scandal recently exposed in Serbia, a state-owned company was allegedly damaged to the advantage of a private company that involved the father of the Minister of the Interior. The whistleblower ended up in jail

Croatia: retirement without peace

21/10/2019 -  Ana KuzmanićIvana Perić

More than 11,000 retired Croatian are still working. Some of them seek a more active life, but the majority lives on the brink of poverty without any other option other than to keep working – a problem in common with many other European countries

French Politics against EU Policy in the Balkans

17/10/2019 -  Gentiola Madhi

The EU Summit is expected to take a final decision on the opening of accession negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia, although France seems unwilling to change its position to postpone the decision-making process until the European negotiation format is re-arranged

Albin Kurti's Kosovo

10/10/2019 -  Francesco Martino

After years of opposition and activism, Vetëvendosje leader Albin Kurti, winner of the October 6th elections, is about to become the new prime minister of Kosovo. For the country, a political turnaround not without unknowns

Behind Aliyev style reforms: business as usual

01/10/2019 -  Arzu Geybullayeva

In Azerbaijan, a pro-government website published a report evaluating the reforms introduced by President Aliyev at the beginning of the year. However, a careful analysis shows that behind the facade of reforms the country continues as usual: corruption and violation of human rights

Turkey: crackdown on the Kurdish political movement

30/09/2019 -  Burcu Karakaş Istanbul

The mayors elected in the ranks of pro-Kurdish HDP have been ousted by the Turkish government on charges of flanking terrorism, further reducing the space for a political solution to the Kurdish question