
Albania, journalism and the shadow of censorship

01/10/2019 -  Tsai Mali

With the new season just around the corner, Albanian television schedules change, but the media landscape remains unchanged, with increasing hints of pressure and censorship cases

Croatia: those who leave

19/09/2019 -  Francesca Rolandi

While Croatia may be a paradise for tourism, actually living and working there is a lot more difficult. Croatian workers move abroad in large numbers: a phenomenon rooted in a combination of both long-term and short-term factors. An analysis

Diary of a September day in Rijeka

19/09/2019 -  Marko Medved*

A walk in the centre of Rijeka on the centenary of D'Annunzio's enterprise: politics, the work of historians, memory, and democracy

Local authorities confronting climate change

05/09/2019 -  Nicolas Kayser-Bril

For most of Europe, 2018 was the hottest year since 1900, and 2019 could even be worse. But how are local authorities preparing to adapt and respond to the climate crisis? An investigation by the European Data Journalism Network

Letter to Europe

26/08/2019 -  Ilija Trojanow

Every year, in Ptuj, Slovenia, a poet writes a "letter to Europe". This year it is signed by Ilija Trojanow, writer, translator and publisher

Croatia, a controversial law on citizenship

21/08/2019 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

The Zagreb government is determined to soften the requirements for obtaining Croatian citizenship, with an eye on intercepting the diaspora. But there are those who feel discriminated against: the case of Milan Škorić and the 5,000 without nationality

Crimea: the resistance of the Tatars

20/08/2019 -  Martina Napolitano

Following the Russian occupation of Crimea, the Tatar community is under great pressure. An analysis of the situation through historical digressions and a meeting with the Tatar representatives recently elected in the Ukrainian parliament

Tampons are subject to the same VAT regime as tobacco and wine

07/08/2019 -  María Álvarez Del VayoEva Belmonte

Since 2007, the EU allows member states to reduce the so-called Tampon Tax. But half of the countries, including Italy, Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania, continue to apply a general VAT rate on such products

Albania, the controversial media law

06/08/2019 -  Matteo Trevisan

Concerns persist over the approval of the new package of amendments aimed at modifying two important laws on the Albanian media, the so-called "anti-defamation package"

Ukraine, the "servant of the people" wins again

29/07/2019 -  Claudia Bettiol

The party of new Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyj won also last Sunday's early political elections. "The servant of the people" got 43% of the votes and the absolute majority in parliament

Money to politics, the challenge of transparency

24/07/2019 -  OpenPolis

In Italy the role of parties decreases, but the number of actors involved grows. A complex theme and picture, with laws still failing to intercept the new dynamics and a fragmentation of the subjects in the field.

Albania: private unsecurity

11/07/2019 -  Gentiola Madhi Tirana

The establishment of "llyrian Guard", a state-owned company offering private security services, can hardly resolve the complexity and challenges of the private security market in Albania. The Achille’s heel lies in licencing and quality control by state institutions

Ukraine: early elections upcoming

17/07/2019 -  Claudia Bettiol

Thanks to the broad consensus gathered in the presidential elections, the new Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyj scheduled early political elections for next July 21st. His movement, "The servant of the people", is estimated to have a large advantage, but victory does not seem obvious

Bosnia and Herzegovina, the right to the rule of law

15/07/2019 -  Alfredo Sasso Sarajevo

The deaths of Dženan and David are just some of the "silenced cases", the many episodes of bad justice that have shaken Bosnia and Herzegovina in recent years. Hence arose one of the few mobilisations capable of crossing the administrative and so-called "ethnic" borders of the country after the war

No more blackmailing on the Western Balkans, Europe must think of itself as 33 countries

04/07/2019 -  Luisa Chiodi Trento

"Reforming the EU, and only then opening up to the Balkans". The reasoning of French president Macron – now strong in Europe – appears sensible, but leads off-road. The EU must change and think of itself as 33 countries, without leaving the Western Balkans behind

Bosnia and Herzegovina, the "broken pipes" of history

04/07/2019 -  Alfredo Sasso

In several cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, from May 28th to June 2nd, an important history festival was held which brought together about 100 historians from the region. This year, however, the History Fest has become a case of ethno-political tension

Serbia: the opposition seen as an enemy

01/07/2019 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrade

Opposition protests against Vučić's government continue in Serbia. But the manipulations, mainstream media's propaganda, and the government's hate speech are likely to lead to violence

Ekrem İmamoğlu, a young politician challenging Erdoğan

20/06/2019 -  Burcu Karakaş Istanbul

Little known till the beginning of the electoral campaign, opposition candidate Ekrem İmamoğlu (CHP) triumphed at the Istanbul municipal elections last March, later cancelled. A portrait of the young politician on the eve of the rerun, scheduled for June 23rd

Dejan Jović, an alarm call for Croatian society

24/06/2019 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

What is the situation of the Serbian minority in Croatia? We talked about it with Dejan Jović, university professor and recent candidate in the European elections

Montenegro: the swamp of politics

13/06/2019 -  Milena Perović Korać Podgorica

Montenegro remains plagued by major issues of crime and corruption, which directly involve the ruling elite. An interview with Dejan Milovac, deputy director of the MANS NGO

New Controversial Decision on Istanbul Mayoral Elections


The Turkish Supreme Election Council (YSK) decided on June 3 to put on duty the district election council chairs and electoral directors who were previously investigated for having formed the balloting committees in March 31 local elections in Istanbul in an unlawful manner.

Ukraine: the new language law, Porošenko's last act

05/06/2019 -  Martina Napolitano

Before leaving the presidential chair to the newly elected Volodymyr Zelensky, Petro Porošenko signed a new language law – one that puts minority rights under strong pressure

European elections in Bulgaria: Borisov wins, abstention at record level

31/05/2019 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

Characterized by record high level of abstention, the European elections in Bulgaria marked a new success for the prime minister Borisov, who won despite scandals and unfavorable poll predictions

European elections in Croatia: surprising results

28/05/2019 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

No easy victory for the ruling HDZ in the European elections. With the voter turnout of 29%, the HDZ didn’t get enough votes to beat its historical rival, the Social Democratic Party: both parties won four seats. The biggest surprise is a judge Kolakušić, who won one seat

Romanian and Bulgarian MEPs among the most influential

21/05/2019 -  Lorenzo Ferrari

MEPs representing Romania and Bulgaria have much more clout than those representing many other countries, including Italy and France. This is demonstrated by an indicator developed by VoteWatch Europe

What do we talk about when we talk about Europe?

23/05/2019 -  Gresa Hasa

Gresa Hasa, an Albanian activist of the Lëvizja Për Universitetin movement, explains why she feels European. Europe is, in her opinion, a moral concept rather than a geographical one

What’s going on with abstention in Europe?

22/05/2019 -  Lorenzo FerrariJacopo Ottaviani

In the 2014 European elections, only 42.5 percent of people eligible to vote participated. From the economy to migration, by way of defence and climate change, European questions are now central to the public debate however

European elections in Bulgaria, under the sign of corruption

22/05/2019 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

A series of scandals has shaken Bulgaria on the eve of the next European elections, threatening to affect the results and overshadow the debate on the major issues of the Union's future

The conditions for a pluralistic digital future: interoperability, transparency, and control over data

13/05/2019 -  Giorgio Comai

A reflection on the necessary conditions to be not only "users", but also "citizens" of the digital spaces in which we live: owners of rights, owners of one's own personal data, free to choose which services to use, which suppliers to turn to, and free to know what criteria determine what appears on our screens

North Macedonia, Pendarovski is the new president

13/05/2019 -  Ilija Minovski Skopje

Social Democrat Stevo Pendarovski is the new president of North Macedonia. Despite the victory, however, Prime Minister Zaev announced a reshuffle to revive the reforms