Bosnia Herzegovina - Articoli

Bosnia Herzegovina: the rebellious Muslims

14/06/2016 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

The terrorist risk in the country is rooted in the war of the Nineties, and in the presence of groups assessing themselves as alternative to the official Islamic Community

The past at stake

07/04/2016 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

A conversation with Balkan expert Eric Gordy* on international justice and regional spillovers in the aftermath of the Karadžić and Šešelj verdicts

Šešelj verdict: the dissenting judge

08/04/2016 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

Italian judge Flavia Lattanzi, one of three members of the Trial Chamber in the Vojislav Šešelj judgment, explains her opposition to the majority decision

Karadžić, 40 years

29/03/2016 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

Genocide, persecution, extermination: Radovan Karadžić was finally found guilty and sentenced, though parts of the ruling disappoint the victims

Sarajevo: the road to nonviolence

01/03/2016 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

Twenty years after the end of the war, veterans from opposing sides deal with the past joining the programs of the Centre for Nonviolent Action

The second life of Slobodna Bosna

22/02/2016 -  Rodolfo Toè Sarajevo

Slobodna Bosna, a leading Bosnian weekly, is no longer in newsstands. While many mourn the loss, the magazine may be about to start a successful second life on the web

Sarajevo, ERMA hijacked by local politics

08/02/2016 -  Rodolfo Toè Sarajevo

The ERMA master's degree in human rights and democracy, flagship programme of the Universities of Sarajevo and Bologna, is not receiving the funds made available by the EU and the Italian Government because of internal feuds in the Bosnian University

Hippy Yugoslavia

09/02/2016 -  Azra Nuhefendić

In the Seventies, a group of young hipsters leave Yugoslavia looking for the Buddhist monk Čedomil Veljačič, ending up in Morocco

Dayton, 20 years

16/11/2015 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

Bosnia Herzegovina and the challenges ahead, twenty years after the signing of the the Dayton Peace Agreement. Interview with the Italian Ambassador in Sarajevo, Ruggero Corrias

Bosnia and Herzegovina: tragedy in neglected mines

28/10/2015 -  Rodolfo Toè Sarajevo

Five miners have lost their lives in Kakanj, central Bosnia, bringing to fourteen the number of victims in this sector in the last year alone. Interview

Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Bobar Banka case

20/08/2015 -  Rodolfo Toè Sarajevo

The story of Bobar Banka Bijeljina highlights the possible reasons for the convocation of a referendum in Republika Srpska against the judiciary of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Srebrenica, the way back

10/07/2015 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

The commemorations of the twentieth anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide will be taking place in a town where hardly anyone lives any more

Srebrenica: the needs of the victims

08/07/2015 -  Nils Muižnieks* Strasburgo

The stand of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights ahead of the Srebrenica commemoration. Addressing the needs of the victims of the genocide must be the priority

The word Srebrenica

08/07/2015 -  Azra Nuhefendić

Denial is the last stage of genocide. Acknowledging the crime, after 20 years, could help Bosnian society moving forward

Prijedor: goodbye, Mursel!

22/06/2015 -  Michele Nardelli

Muharem Murselović,a member of Prijedor's Bosnian Muslim community, died a few days ago at age 68 in the Banja Luka hospital. The obituary of an Italian friend, founder of the Prijedor Local Democracy Agency

The Netherlands and Srebrenica: the burden of guilt

16/06/2015 -  Rodolfo Toè Sarajevo

The Dutch government is the one that has invested the most in the city's reconstruction since the end of the war, targeting infrastructures, the Potočari memorial, and the search for the victims' bodies

Sarajevo, locus teologicus

27/05/2015 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

Pope Francis' visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina is a message of peace. Conversation with Franjo Topić, president of the cultural association Napredak

Dealing with the past through feminism

19/05/2015 -  Caterina BonoraDaniela Lai Sarajevo

The Sarajevo Women's Court and transitional justice in the former Yugoslavia: preliminary reflections

Sarajevo, the Women's Tribunal

11/05/2015 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

The first Women's Tribunal in Europe took place in Sarajevo between May 7th and 10th. The participants came from all the countries of the former Yugoslavia

Catholic Bosnia

30/04/2015 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

The forthcoming visit of Pope Francis to Bosnia Herzegovina prompts comments and analyses on the issue of catholic identity in the Balkan country. Our interview to academic and mediaevalist Dubravko Lovrenović

Sarajevo, today

24/04/2015 -  Azra Nuhefendić

Sarajevo is not the city it once was. There are no longer tens of thousands of inhabitants – some have betrayed it, others have left it. But it can't be blamed for this. Slowly it's coming back to life, as if after an earthquake

Is there hope for RECOM?

23/03/2015 -  Caterina Bonora Sarajevo

The latest updates on the struggle for a regional commission for investigating the war crimes of the 1990s in the Balkans

Sarajevo: the slow decay of the Holiday Inn

11/03/2015 -  Rodolfo Toè Sarajevo

Once one of the city's symbols, now in ruins, the Holiday Inn hotel was declared bankrupt last June, but continues its activity. Illegaly

Srebrenica: at Dule's restaurant

04/03/2015 -  Nicole Corritore Srebrenica

After the war, Dule was one of the first Bosniaks to return to Srebrenica, where he opened his restaurant. One year after his death, his son Avdo traces the family history

The words of a Pope

17/02/2015 -  Refik Hodžić* New York

Pope Francis' visit to Sarajevo could help putting an end to the limbo blocking Bosnia's society since over 20 years. Much will depend on his words, and actions

Alan Ford, a Yugoslav hero

12/12/2014 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

An exhibition in Sarajevo sheds light on the most celebrated Italian comic strip translated in Yugoslavia and the new republics

Quieter than water

05/11/2014 -  Giuliano Geri

Berislav Blagojević (1979) is one of the most brilliant and versatile voices in the new literature from Bosnia­-Herzegovina, and the author of Quieter than water [Tiši od vode, 2013]. Interview

Bosnia and Herzegovina, a rich country

09/10/2014 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

After the enlargement stop set by President Juncker, some fear the risk of a Turkish scenario for the Western Balkans, i.e. negotiations that never end. Renzo Daviddi, Deputy Head of the EU Delegation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, thinks different. Interview

Bosnia and Herzegovina: the Plenums legacy

08/09/2014 -  Andrea De Noni

Seven months after the February protests, a political alternative to the forthcoming general elections is not in sight. However, activists believe the movement is sowing seeds

Predrag Pašić, football at the test of nationalism

01/08/2014 -  Rodolfo Toè Sarajevo

The story of Predrag Pašić, old glory of Yugoslav football, is the story of Sarajevo and Bubamara, a small football academy for children founded during the war. Now Bosnian politics is trying to delete this experience, but Pašić assures: "We will keep fighting"