Bosnia Herzegovina - Articoli

A tale of three chairs

25/07/2014 -  Andrea De Noni Sarajevo

General elections will take place in Bosnia and Herzegovina on October 12th. Candidates for the Presidency and House of Peoples will still need to identify as Serbs, Croats, or Bosniaks, in violation of the provisions of the European Court of Human Rights

Bosnia and Herzegovina: in the shelters

02/07/2014 -  Andrea De Noni Sarajevo

About a thousand Bosnian citizens remain housed in temporary shelters in the aftermath of the floods that devastated the country last May. Neither they nor the institutions have any certainty about what to expect in the coming months

Grandfather Alija goes to war

23/06/2014 -  Azra Nuhefendić

The Bosnians fought in the ranks of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire faithfully, on the various fronts of the First World War. Upon their return, however, soldiers were plagued by nightmares. The story of grandfather Alija

Watching Bosnia in New York City: "May 31st" and "Trnopolje, a forgotten summer"

30/05/2014 -  Caterina Bonora New York

The Bosnian Herzegovinian Film Festival in New York City recently premiered a documentary movie on the White Armband Initiative, the event taking place in Prijedor each year on May 31st. Transitional justice experts Refik Hodžić and Eldar Sarajlić discussed the process of dealing with the past in the country

Sarajevo, One Hundred Years

21/05/2014 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

Commemorating the centennial of the outbreak of World War I in Sarajevo is an expression of cynicism, according to journalist and writer Zlatko Dizdarević*

Sarajevo, the shopping centres bloom

16/04/2014 -  Andrea De Noni Sarajevo

The Bosnian capital has a new shopping centre, the “Sarajevo City Center”. It is the fourth within a radius of a kilometre, in a country where the population is increasingly poor. But the city loves its malls

Sicily, the second home

13/03/2014 -  Dražen Remiković

The Italian association „Luciano Lama“ gave hospitality to Bosnian war orphans for summer vacations in Sicily during the Nineties. Ties started 20 years ago are still strong

The undeluded going astray in Bosnia

27/02/2014 -  Wolfgang Petritsch*Christophe Solioz*

The process of integration into the European Union, which has been stagnant for a decade now, has exposed the sad reality of a total lack of political will on the part of Europe. An analysis of the current crisis in Bosnia Herzegovina

Bosnian systemic crisis

11/02/2014 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini

Protests are continuing after Friday's uprising, but media hype and national issues are looming upon the demonstrators. The European maze

Sarajevo 1984, Yugoslavia's Olympic Games

31/01/2014 -  Azra Nuhefendić

Thirty years ago, from February 8th to 19th, the fourteenth edition of the Olympic Winter Games was held in Sarajevo. A few years after the Olympic facilities, a symbol of common history and life, were targeted by the bombings

Sarajevo, the disputed cross

27/01/2014 -  Rodolfo Toè Sarajevo

On the Zlatište hills above Sarajevo, from where citizens were bombed on a daily basis by the Bosnian Serb Army during the war of the nineties, a 26-meter high cross should rise to remember Serbian victims

Dzenana Karup Druško: the painful importance of the ICTY

04/12/2013 -  Caterina Bonora

Bosnian journalist Dženana Karup Druško is one among many human rights activists who sent a letter to UN Secretary General asking that an investigation be opened after the recent ICTY controversial judgments

Balkans: women and war

03/12/2013 -  Nicole Corritore

Thousands of women were victims of sexual crimes during the Balkan conflicts. Most of them receive no support from the region's states, despite the progress marked by international criminal law in prosecuting these crimes

Bosnia Herzegovina, the ethnocracy factor

18/11/2013 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini

The recent census of the population, the electoral system and the country's Constitution favour the reinforcement of divisions, sealing the borders between different religious and national groups. The analysis of Nenad Stojanović

Mostar: the Old One, twenty years later

08/11/2013 -  Azra Nuhefendić

On November 9th, twenty years ago, the artillery of the Bosnian Croat army destroyed the Mostar Bridge, a treasure of Ottoman architecture and one of the symbols of Bosnia and Herzegovina. People reacted on instinct to the news

The Sarajevo godfathers

06/11/2013 -  Cecilia Ferrara

The chronicles of recent trials give an insight on the state of organised crime in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the rest of the Balkans

Bosnia, the Konjević Polje protest

07/11/2013 -  Rodolfo Toè Sarajevo, Konjević Polje

Tens of Bosniak families have withdrawn their children from the schools they were attending in Republika Srpska. They demand their children be taught their own national subjects. Our report

Torture in Republika Srpska: the police in the dock

15/10/2013 -  Rodolfo Toè Banja Luka

The Council of Europe against Republika Srpska. Strasbourg reports serious offences committed by the police in Banja Luka, allegedly guilty of crimes that qualify as torture

The new Bosnia

03/10/2013 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini

The first Bosnian census since the fall of Yugoslavia has begun in a pre election climate. The survey will show, 20 years after the war and ethnic cleansing, what the new Bosnia is

Sarajevo, twenty years later: the story of a photo

02/10/2013 -  Mario Boccia

The girl that runs. It is the title of a famous photo by Mario Boccia, Italian photojournalist, snapped on September 30th, 1993. A day like any other in Sarajevo, under siege for 17 months, between bombings and snipers. Twenty years later, Mario tells the story

Hitchhiking with Jim Morrison

11/09/2013 -  Azra Nuhefendić

In 1970, students Cvjetko and Pavle leave Belgrade to hitchhike their way to the Isle of Wight. An unexpected encounter is awaiting them in France. Back when the word Yugoslavia still opened the doors to Europe

Mir Sada, twenty years ago

13/08/2013 -  Nicole Corritore

Marching to Sarajevo to contribute to peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina and promote popular diplomacy and non-violent interposition. This was the goal of over two thousand Italian and foreign pacifists who took part in "Mir Sada - Peace Now" in August 1993. One of our journalists participated

The ping pong champion

14/08/2013 -  Azra Nuhefendić

The story of a girl from Sarajevo who became a national table tennis champion playing for the “Grbavica” club in 1960s Yugoslavia

Sejdić-Finci, a judgment ignored

19/07/2013 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini

Jakob Finci, president of the Jewish community of Sarajevo, has been expecting for four years for the application of the judgment by the European Court of Human Rights that bears his name. An interview

Bebolucija: spring delayed

16/07/2013 -  Rodolfo Toè

A month after the beginning of the protests, the 'bebolucija' already seems to have betrayed its original intentions. Low interest of citizenship, confusion of the protesters, weaknesses of the organization: the Bosnian spring is postponed to a date to be determined

The Bosnian Garden of Delights

30/05/2013 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Venezia

For the first time in 10 years, Bosnia and Herzegovina will take part to the Venice Biennale with its own national Pavilion. Mladen Miljanović is the artist who will represent the country

A Memorial on the Diamond Road

27/05/2013 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Gornji Vakuf

Friends and family members have placed a memorial stone on the site where three Italian pacifists, Guido Puletti, Sergio Lana and Fabio Moreni, were murdered on May 29 twenty years ago while carrying aid to the Bosnian population

Keljmendi, the boss of the Balkans

22/05/2013 -  Cecilia Ferrara

After having escaped an operation by the Bosnian police, Naser Keljmendi was arrested in Kosovo on May 5th. He is accused of murder, drug trafficking and allegedly runs networks extended throughout the Balkans

Land of blue gold

07/05/2013 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini

Bosnia Herzegovina is one of the European countries with the richest water resources. Projects to build a series of hydroelectric power stations in Republika Srpska, however, are endangering a delicate environmental balance. Report

It is not easy to be Sarajevo

08/05/2013 -  Azra Nuhefendić

Throughout the twentieth century, Sarajevo has been both a symbol of political violence and a model of peaceful coexistence. The years in which the city fell under the control of the Ustasha are crucial to understand its contradictions. A book by Emily Greble