Bosnia Herzegovina - Articoli

Agricultural policies in South East Europe: which ones?

09/08/2011 -  Matteo Vittuari

A step by step analysis of the agricultural development policies in South East Europe: from the process of collectivisation in the 40s, to the much reduced production capacity during the conflicts of the 90s, up to the agricultural models linked to the European Union

The Sarajevo Tunnel

08/09/2011 -  Azra Nuhefendić

For some it's a monument to the strength of the human spirit, others think it was a place of torture. A journey into the tunnel of Sarajevo, a 700 metre underground track which, for the inhabitants of the Bosnian capital, meant the difference between life and death

Enlargement of the EU to the Western Balkans: negotiations on agriculture

04/10/2011 -  Matteo Vittuari

After 2013 the European Common Agricultural Policy, known as CAP, will bring about numerous changes that the majority of the Western Balkans will have to adapt to. An incentive for modernising the agricultural sector and drawing attention to rural issues. Much apprehension about the future remains

Big Mac vs. ćevapi

29/07/2011 -  Massimo Moratti

After a long series of attempts, the first McDonald’s of Bosnia and Herzegovina opens in Sarajevo. What follows are the declarations from the American Ambassador, the reactions from Sarajevans and the welcome by the ćevapčići chain “Mrkva

Srebrenica undefended

19/07/2011 -  Piero Del Giudice

In the first anniversary of the massacre, celebrated with Karadžić and Mladić finally at The Hague, a commentary about the uncomfortable questions about the behavior of the defenders of the enclave and the responsibilities for its fall. The pages of Emir Suljagić, the role of Naser Orić and Alija Iztbegović, the judgment of Abdulah Sidran

Bosnia Herzegovina: grass-roots organic production

06/05/2011 -  Matteo Vittuari

The organic sector in Bosnia Herzegovina is based on grass-roots initiatives by civil society and private citizens able to overcome institutional impasses. Our seventh report on organic agriculture in South East Europe

Sarajevo: lime trees in flower

11/07/2011 -  Azra Nuhefendić Sarajevo

It is a place to meet, a place for friends, for lovers. It is Vilsonovo Avenue, in Sarajevo, shaded by four rowes of age-old lime trees that survived even the 90’s war. When the lime trees are in flower, it is time to go back

Agriculture and rural areas in the Western Balkans: status update

14/07/2011 -  Matteo Vittuari

It’s a crutial sector of the Western Balkans economy. Just as much as it’s important it’s also been neglected during the transitional years. A broad review of the agriculture and rural areas on this side of Southeastern Europe

Ivica Osim, the Yugoslav

24/06/2011 -  Massimo Moratti Sarajevo

A sport’s legend is able to solve the Bosnian soccer crisis, banned from international competitions because incapable of electing just one President for its football federation rather than three. An injection full of trust that could contaminate its politics

The Hague after Mladić

16/06/2011 -  Andrea Rossini

The enthusiasm for Ratko Mladić’s arrest has generated a mission accomplished climate with regards to justice for the crimes committed in the ‘90s. There are still, however, many ongoing trials, both at The Hague and in the local Courts, and many cases still to investigate

The secret languages of the Bazaars

07/06/2011 -  Marjola Rukaj Tirana

They were multilingual places where secret languages were spoken. What has remained in the Balkan Bazaars of these codes, invented in order to understand each other and yet not be understood by outsiders? Our analysis

The Mladić case

03/06/2011 -  Andrea Rossini

Carla Del Ponte, former Head of the Prosecutor's Office of the International Criminal Tribunal of the Hague, comments on the position of the defendant and on the possible development of the case. Interview

Bosnia: an End to the Storm?

30/05/2011 -  Christophe SoliozWolfgang Petritsch Geneva, Paris

The umpteenth crisis fifteen years after Dayton. Nationalisms are destabilizing the State, while the International community seems powerless and confused. Bosnia is seeking its way into the EU amongst many difficulties and wounds that are still open. A comment

A new Serbia

26/05/2011 -  Andrea Rossini

Mladić's arrest opens a new page for Serbia and for the whole region. On the XXth anniversary since the start of the dissolution of Yugoslavia, a sign that the ex-socialist country's long transition has come to an end. After thousands of victims. Our comment

Dubioza about Europe

13/05/2011 -  Luka Zanoni

They won't be there, at Eurovision 2011. But their piece, called 'Euro Song', is already on everybody's lips. They are the Dubioza Kolektiv who want to to talk about Europe. And their efforts have been rewarded.

Inzko’s choice

07/05/2011 -  Andrea Rossini

In the open crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the international community must avoid the trap of a head-on collision, bringing the European integration process back to the forefront of the political debate. In a Bosnia with no High Representative

A Stronger Europe in Sarajevo

06/05/2011 -  Andrea Rossini Dijon

The political crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the country's European path and the attempts at much-needed constitutional reform. Our interview with Paola Pampaloni, Head of the BiH Unit of the European Commission's Enlargement Directorate

Bosnia: international judges under scrutiny

15/03/2011 -  Eldina Pleho Sarajevo

Many international investigations on corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina have not produced results. Reasons for this include poorly evidenced allegations and limited knowledge of local law. The Bosnian experience was then transferred to Kosovo. Our study

BiH: Domestic violence in a complex institutional setting

21/02/2011 -  OWPSEE/OBC

The protection of victims of domestic violence in Bosnia Herzegovina is guaranteed by a number of laws, but more often than not they are not enforced. In the background a society that is still very patriarchal and the heavy institutional burden left by the Dayton Peace Agreement. Our analysis

Transnational networks and state-building in the Balkans

03/02/2011 -  Denisa Kostovicova, Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic

Informality allows people to change their immediate circumstances for the better, but it locks the state and society in a vicious circle of reproduction of a weak state, promising insecurity for the majority and prosperity for the few. From openDemocracy

Small Bosnian enterprise

02/02/2011 -  Andrea Rossini Zenica, Žepče, Sarajevo

The state of the economy in Bosnia and Herzegovina: the case of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Zenica-Doboj canton, the country's industrial and agricultural sectors, and the hard chase after European funds. Our reportage

IWPR: Calls for War Memorials Divide Bosnia

29/12/2010 -  Rachel IrwinVelma Saric

All over Bosnia, the sites of atrocities often lack any kind of formal memorial to commemorate them. Observers say that this reflects an ongoing reluctance by the ethnic group whose members committed the crimes to acknowledge that they occurred at all. From IWPR

Bosnia-Herzegovina: the Krivaja life

27/12/2010 -  Andrea Rossini Zavidovići, Sarajevo

From socialism to war, from war to market economy. The transition of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the history of a giant industrial kombinat, Zavidovići's Krivaja. The winners and the losers of privatisations, 15 years later

Scorpio Ltd, a company committed to the community

30/11/2010 -  Kaela Venuto

It is not an NGO nor an association, but, developing from the grass roots with great enthusiasm, it has both rare entrepreneurial spirit and strong civic commitment. Scorpio is a private firm, a so-called Limited Company, but it is strongly community minded

Constructing the Other

25/11/2010 -  Azra Nuhefendić

Azra Nuhefendić, writer, journalist and correspondent for Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso won the journalistic prize "Writing for Central and Eastern Europe". We publish her speech for the ceremony held in Vienna on 22 November 2010

The Hague: ex-Bosniak Politician Speaks of 1992 Prijedor Takeover

24/11/2010 -  Velma Saric

Giving evidence in the trial against former senior police officials Stojan Zupljanin and Mico Stanisic, accused of crimes like extermination, persecution and cruel treatment of non-Serb civilians, Mevludin Sejmenovic, an ex-Bosniak politician, testified this week about the 1992 takeover of power in Prijedor by the Serbian Democratic Party. From IWPR

Miljenko Jergovic's Balkans

28/10/2010 -  Azra Nuhefendić

Freedom, politics and wrongs of the past. The Balkans of today and their inheritance from the 90s, an interview with Miljenko Jergovic

Unesco's heritage: where in the Western Balkans?

01/10/2010 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

There are 911 Unesco heritage sites in the world. 18 of these in the Western Balkans. From the open plains on the island of Hvar to the Mostar Bridge, archaelogical sites in Albania and the Durmitor glaciers in Montenegro: a review

ESI: France to break EU promise to the Balkans

29/09/2010 -  Gerald KnausAlexandra Stiglmayer

On 14 September the EC reported that Albania and Bosnia are ready to qualify for visa-free access to the Schengen area. France has objected to this, putting itself in an awkward position vis-à-vis the EU, a mistake that the European Stability Initiative argues should be rectified

Promesse elettorali

24/08/2010 -  Eldina Pleho Sarajevo

Domenica 3 ottobre si svolgeranno le elezioni politiche in Bosnia Erzegovina. Europa, sviluppo e migliore qualità della vita sono le promesse della campagna elettorale, come nel 2006. Ma in questi 4 anni quasi nulla è cambiato. La lunga onda del passato, i programmi elettorali