Bosnia Herzegovina - Articoli

The Fenice theatre goes to Andrićgrad

16/04/2013 -  Rodolfo Toè Sarajevo

The prestigious Venetian theatre has begun working with Emir Kusturica on the production of a theatrical version of Ivo Andrić's novel The Bridge on the Drina. The project is strongly contested by the associations of the victims in Višegrad, where the opera is due to go on stage June 28 2014

Bosnia: religion, nationalism and pedophilia

04/04/2013 -  Rodolfo Toè Sarajevo

Revelations on the sexual abuses by the Tuzla bishop - Karadžić and Mladić’s spiritual guide - have dragged the Serbian Orthodox church through one of the major scandals of the latest years. The victims’ declarations, the reconstruction by the Bosnian reporter who was able to get a hold of the records of the witnesses’ depositions

Zelenkovac, the Bosnian peace village

25/03/2013 -  Daniele Canepa

Zelenkovac is an eco-tourist village in the Bosnian mountains, not far from Banja Luka, hosting artists and travellers from all over the world. According to his founder, Boro Janković, its beauty has a mission

Day 5: the ICTY debate

26/02/2013 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini

The Tribunal did its job as a criminal court, without reaching local societies. A first round up of the debate

The road home

16/11/2012 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini

In April 2013 the first census of the population since the war years will take place in Bosnia Herzegovina. Official data say that over a million refugees and displaced persons have returned home after the ethnic cleansing of the '90s. The real picture of the country, however, seems a lot different. Our report

Bosnia and Herzegovina, a country in a coma

19/11/2012 -  Massimo Moratti

Bosnia and Herzegovina is today an ungovernable country where institutions are blocked, power is shared at the citizens' expenses, and democracy itself is in danger. The view of journalist and political analyst Almir Terzić

Dying of pollution in Zenica

05/11/2012 -  Esad Hećimović Zenica

In the industrial district of Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the number of tumours have increased alarmingly over the last ten years. The eyes are on local industries and especially the historic steel factory now privatized. Our report

Jasna's Bosnian herbs

28/09/2012 -  Anna Brusarosco

An Eco-centre. This is Jasna Živković's answer to the economic problems of Bosnia and Herzegovina. A report about rural development in northern Bosnia, between tradition and innovation

Bosnia: rampant festivals and bankrupt museums

06/09/2012 -  Marzia Bona

Bosnia and Herzegovina's major cultural institutions, including the National Museum, the Art Gallery and the National Film Archive, are in a state of neglect. The State does not support them, because doing so would imply acknowledging the existence of a common cultural and historical heritage. Some, in the capital's artistic milieu, have suggested privatization

Places of memory: the 11/07/95 gallery

16/08/2012 -  Marzia Bona

In Sarajevo, a new space dedicated to the memory of Srebrenica lives on Turkish funds, with little support from local institutions. Art, memory, and cooperation in an interview with Ivica Pandžić, spokesperson for the association that manages the memorial gallery

Bosnia: agony over Dayton

14/08/2012 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini

The European integration process of Bosnia and Herzegovina is on stand by until the country adapts its Constitution to the standards required by the European Court of Human Rights. Sarajevo between human and ethnic rights, the Komšić factor

Abdulah Sidran, the soul of Sarajevo

03/07/2012 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini

Sarajevo, 20 years after the siege. The famous Bosnian poet and writer talks about a city that for centuries has symbolized the encounter of faiths, nations, and cultures

The supreme command in the war in Bosnia

19/06/2012 -  Azra Nuhefendić

The role of partisan cinematography in Socialist Yugoslavia and what happened to two of its better known exponents – Bata Živojinović and Hajrudin Šiba Krvavac, hero and director respectively of the most famous Yugoslavian film in the world, “Valter defends Sarajevo”

Wine, passion and tradition in Eastern Herzegovina

03/05/2012 - 

In Eastern Herzegovina wine is the invisible and lasting tie with both the land and its generations. Today this heritage is preserved and promoted partly thanks to the careful work of the Trebinje-Erzegovina Slow Food convivium. A picture story with photos by Ivo Danchev and texts by Francesco Martino

Bosnia, Slow Food. As humble and tenacious as a vine

12/04/2012 -  Francesco Martino Trebinje

Trebinje, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Along the banks of the Trebišnjica river, in the Petrovo and Popovo Polje plains, vines grow surrounded by stony and lunar mountains. These vines give life to žilavka and vranac, two wines that have made the history and success of enology in Eastern Herzegovina. An age-old and fragile treasure of tastes, now promoted and safeguarded by the local Slow Food convivium

Okruženje, Yugosphere and its neighbourhood

10/04/2012 -  Luka Zanoni

There are not many parts of the world where a TV talk show can be produced without requiring dubbing or subtitles in order to be broadcast in 5 different countries. But in the Balkans this is possible. Vicinities is a first when it comes to talk shows with a regional approach. "But don't talk to me about Yugosphere" says Nenad Šebek, the show's host

That April in Sarajevo

05/04/2012 -  Azra Nuhefendić

Vivid and intense memories from the beginning of the siege of Sarajevo. Friends turning into enemies and loved ones leaving the city. Disbelief as the war starts tragically to unfold

A bullet for Suljagić, an award for Cerić

20/03/2012 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini

Religion, education, politics. Observations on some recent events in the Bosnian news, a few weeks before the activities scheduled to remind Europe and the world of the twentieth anniversary of the beginning of the siege of Sarajevo and the war in Bosnia Herzegovina

Independent Bosnia, twenty years on

19/03/2012 -  Michele Biava Sarajevo

In March 20 years ago, after the victory for the affirmative vote in a referendum abandoned by the majority of the Bosnian Serbs, Bosnia Herzegovina declared its independence. A month later the war began. Here are some observations of Jovan Divjak on the twenty-year period

Bosnia, the return of a war criminal in Mostar

15/02/2012 -  M.H. Mostar

Sentenced by the Hague Tribunal to 18 years in prison for crimes committed in Mostar during the war, Vinko Martinović returned to the city after benefiting from a significant sentence reduction. The weight of the past on the banks of the Neretva

Memories of a Bosnian Roma

10/02/2012 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini

20 years ago a group of Serb paramilitaries destroyed a Roma village in Eastern Bosnia, killing all the residents. A child survived and, today, he is asking for his people justice before the Belgrade's War Crimes Prosecutor

The missed record of Bosnia Herzegovina

19/01/2012 -  Massimo Moratti

Side notes to the agreement that allowed for the formation of a new government in Bosnia. The role of the High Representative, the position of the social-democratic party and the true dividing lines crossing Bosnian society

Bijela,the hidden canyon

12/12/2011 -  Massimo Moratti

Discover one of Bosnia Herzegovina's less acclaimed treasures: a canyon carved out of the River Bijela, a gem which is not so easy to find as you need to embark on a real “journey to the centre of the earth” to see it. In the footsteps of Jules Verne

“Gafa”, the gentleman of the peaks

24/11/2011 -  Massimo Moratti Sarajevo

Muhammed Gafić is one of the most famous Bosnian mountaineers of all time. His long journey began from the Mountain of Romanija, near Sarajevo

The Rakitnica Canyon

17/11/2011 -  Massimo Moratti

Once down there's no going back, you must go on. The canyon formed by the River Rakitnica can be ridden, but only in the company of an expert guide. A plunge into the waters and unspoilt nature of Bosnia

Dinno Kassalo: filming nature

17/11/2011 -  Massimo Moratti

Dinno Kassalo is a Bosnian documentary film-maker who has produced many works on wildlife in Bosnia Herzegovina. Together with a team of mountaineers, in 2000 he made “Expedition Rakitnica”, the first film ever to be shot inside the Rakitnica canyon. Our interview

Bosnia-Herzegovina. In Tito’s bunker

01/11/2011 -  Azra Nuhefendić

From the Konjic fallout shelter, turned into a contemporary art gallery, to the streets in the center of Sarajevo. Who waged war? Why? A trip in the heart of Bosnia in search of answers

Baščaršija, the beauty

28/10/2011 -  Marjola Rukaj

The ancient Ottoman market is one of the symbols of Sarajevo. This article concludes our series on Balkan bazaars.

Mostar: the čaršija and the bridge

12/10/2011 -  Marjola Rukaj Mostar

A divided town, a bridge, a čaršija on each side. Symbols of meeting and congregation which now have to deal with the legacy of the war. The challenge of Mostar between tourism and tradition

Pale: more than just skiing

24/11/2011 -  Massimo Moratti

In tourism Pale and the mountain of Jahorina are best known as one of the main skiing destinations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, once the snow melts, this area offers many other attractions, one without doubt being Mount Romanija