
03/12/2010 - 

In these very last days, Osservatorio sui Balcani e Caucaso received two important journalistic awards. Azra Nuhefendić won the “Writing for Central and Eastern Europe” prize, promoted by the APA – Austria Press Agency, while Laura Delsere was awarded the 2010 “Enzo Baldoni” prize, internet section. Our congratulations

Second international forum "Women entrepreneurs in Bulgaria"

02/11/2010 - 

The second edition of the international forum "Women entrepreneurs Bulgaria" will be held in Sofia on 19th and 20th of November 2010.This year the Forum has the purpose of developing and strengthening the economic cooperation between Bulgarian women entrepreneurs and their colleagues from other European and non European countries

Read more about the programme

Download the registration form

Mussa Khan

03/09/2010 - 

Mussa Khan is muhajir, a refugee seeking a safe place to live. His story is the one of the many young Afghans who try to reach Europe to ask for asylum. In 14 episodes the blog "Mussa Khan" retraces his steps through the 5,000 km that separate Iran from Italy.

Paolo Martino blog

25/08/2010 - 

The “Mussa Khan” project started after sharing with Afghan and Iranian muhajirin the sidewalk of the Rome Ostiense station. And from having heard and shared the stories of Asif, Mortazavi, Reza and Abbas

Fondazione Caritro

30/07/2010 - 

This dossier is part of the research project “Youth in the Northern Caucasus: associationism, identity, and patriotism in a complex, multi-ethnic context”, financed by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto

22/12/2009 - 

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The Long-lasting '89. The Balkans and the Caucasus between expectations and disentchantment after the fall of the Berlin Wall

26/01/2010 - 

Twenty years have passed since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the event that marked the reunification of Europe, symbolised the promise for lasting peace in the continent, and relaunched the process of European enlargement.

The conference "The long-lasting '89" is devoted to discussing the post-communist transitions in the Balkans and the Caucasus, the expectations stirred by the end of the Cold War, the following disappointments, the ongoing processes of change, and the opportunities for relaunching a common European political project.

The first day will be devoted to reflecting on the long transitions in the two regions, national fragmentations, the return of war into Europe, and the process of European integration. The second day will explore the relationships of solidarity and cooperation between communities and territories formerly divided by the Iron Curtain.

Order your copy

02/02/2010 - 

OBC products can be ordered with a mail to, specifying title, quantity and postal address.
For each item the fee required is 6,00€ (to cover postal expenses).

The payment can be made:
-via bank trasfer to Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso, IBAN: IT36H0830401851000051301038, specifying the title and the number of items in the 'reason for payment'


Currently the DVD of "Zastava Planet. Journey to Kragujevac, the Turin of the Balkans” is no longer available. However it is downloadable from the website in different formats

Between the State and the EU. LGBT and queer in South Eastern Europe

09/11/2009 -  Anonymous User

[November 2009] For the LGBT and queer population of South Eastern Europe, 2009 has been marked by several violent episodes (including attacks to Pride parades in Slovenia and Serbia and to the Queer Sarajevo festival), without intervention by the local authorities and the national states. On the other hand, supra-national pressure and aspirations to EU integration have led to the discussion and/or approval of progressive laws. Against this backdrop of contrasting trends, LGBT and queer individuals of the Balkans are confronted with the choice between visibility and invisibility, hostile domestic contexts and European hopes, formal progress and all too real fear. This dossier by OBC collects chronicles, interviews, and analyses devoted to this year's developments in the queer world, the relationship with domestic and international institutions, and the role of transnational cooperation

Biographical notes

13/11/2009 -  Anonymous User

The biographical notes of the speakers at the international conference «The long-lasting '89»