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04/12/2012 - 

Tell Europe to Europe

30/11/2012 - 

From December 2012, for one year, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso carries out – with many partners – the project

'Tell Europe to Europe'


01/08/2012 - 

“Sarajevolution" is a documentary project on the cultural life in today's Sarajevo. The authors are looking for financial support to complete their work through crowd funding. Everyone can support the project, even with a small donation To contribute - Facebook - Trailer

From the Caucasus to Beirut

02/07/2012 - 

[2012] From the Lebanon to the Caucasus: Paolo Martino's journey on the tracks of the Armenian diaspora in 14 episodes

Multiculturalism and EU integration

26/03/2012 - 

Stimulating discussion among civil society's youth on multiculturalism and EU integration in a debate moderated by experts, is the aim of the 2012 edition of the Conference organised by the association Bourgogne Balkan Express to take place in Dijon, on 17th April 2012. OBC is media partner

Organic Balkans

24/02/2012 - 

Organic agriculture in the Balkans is still in its early stages though it already acts as a fundamental stimulus to sustainable rural development in the region. Through a comparative analysis of organic farming in the countries of South East Europe the book provides original insights into the process of European Union integration

04/11/2011 - 


Discover one of Bosnia Herzegovina's less acclaimed treasures: a canyon carved out of the River Bijela, a gem which is not so easy to find as you need to embark on a real “journey to the centre of the earth” to see it. In the footsteps of Jules Verne

Appuntamenti homepage

04/11/2011 - 

A broad network of media partners in 11 European countries, will devote a year to studying the freedom of the press in Italy, South East Europe and Turkey.

BeEu is a way to approach the European elections, support them and understand the implications for the future of Europe.”