
Outdoor Balkans

23/09/2011 - 

Not scared of exerting yourself? No problems with vertigo? Do you feel fulfilled after a whole day hiking with a rucksack on your back? Virtual trips for the readers of our website, as real as ever for those who decide to leave

SeeNet II

26/08/2011 - 

In the SeeNet II decentralised cooperation Programme many are the Actions aimed at enhancing environmental and sports tourism. From the cliffs in Istria, to the mountains and rivers of Bosnia Herzegovina, to trekking routes and cycling tours in Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro. Learn more on SeeNet in these areas at: Istria, Bosnia Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro.


15/07/2011 - 

Artan Puto, born in 1969, is a university professor; however, people in the streets still recognize him as the star of Tomka and his friends, one of the most popular children’s movies of Albanian cinema. An unusual point of view on today’s Albania and on the changes which took place in this country. A documentary film by Micol Cossali and Davide Sighele, now available in streaming

Organic farming and SeeNet II

05/07/2011 - 

Organic farming is an overarching topic within the SeeNet II Programme: the enhancement of rural areas and nature; the development of agricultural policies and their regulatory framework in the Balkans and in terms of EU integration; the cooperation with Italians who have been working in the fields of sustainable rural development and certification of organically farmed produce; a new food culture stimulating rural tourism and heritage foods; small medium enterprises, as some Balkan companies also invest in this sector.

The decentralised cooperation Programme SeeNet II, led by the region of Tuscany and co-financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, involves 6 Regions, the Autonomous province of Trento, Italian civil society and 47 local authorities in Sout-east Europe. Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso is the partner for analysis and information dissemination

03/05/2011 - 

Artan Puto is an University professor and editorialist

Micol Cossali is a movie maker and documentarist. Go to her Vimeo channel

Davide Sighele is a journalist and documentarist of Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso

03/05/2011 - 

03/05/2011 - 

Artan Puto, born in 1969, is a university professor; however, people in the streets still recognize him as the star of Tomka and his friends, one of the most popular children’s movies of Albanian cinema. After 30 years, Artan goes back to Kinostudio, the Albanian Hollywood built by Enver Hoxha in 1952. But Kinostudio has changed since those days, and so has the country. An unusual point of view on today’s Albania and on the changes which took place in this country. A documentary film by Micol Cossali and Davide Sighele, now available in streaming

Albania: CSOs Demand Urgent Resolution for the Tensions

26/01/2011 - 

A group of Albanian human rights and civil society organizations, in a joint public statement, demanded from political parties in Albania to sit down and find a sustainable solution for the situation after the opposition demonstrations of January 21, fearing new escalation and bloodshed

The Motorway to the Nation

31/01/2011 - 

It is the largest infrastructure investment ever made in Albania. Pandeli Majko's socialist government started it and Sali Berisha's right-wing government completed it; the total cost is around a billion euros. “Around” – because nobody knows how much it exactly cost, since Albania's main public work was carried out without any project or budget estimate. A photo-report by Marjola Rukaj

Return to Durrës - Lasien Vojo

30/12/2010 - 

“The next day, I took my bicycle and camera and I left for the far northern edge of Durrës, near Porto Romano...’" A photo-report by Lasien Vojo