01/03/2010 -
The idea for creating Osservatorio sui Balcani emerged during the "Cantieri di pace" held in Venice in June 1999, in response to the demand for knowledge and debate with people, associations and institutions that for years had promoted peace and social cohabitation in the Balkans. In 2009 it changed its name into Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso (OBC) since it expanded its research to the Caucasus area as well.
OBC is promoted by Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti (Peace Bell Foundation).
Peace Bell Foundation : The Foundation, a non-profit organisation founded in 1968 with a presidential decree, adopted the project, which came into existence in 2000, and placed it side by side with the other project supported by the Foundation: UNIP - Università Internazionale delle Istituzioni dei Popoli per la Pace (International University of People's Institutions for Peace).Peace Bell Foundation pays special attention, among its goals, to the education of youth about a culture of peace, non-violence and human rights.
Forum Trentino for Peace and Human Rights : is a permanent organisation devoted to ensure civil society's participation in the implementation of the Trentino provincial law of 10 June 1991, n. 11 “Promotion and diffusion of peace culture.”
Autonomous Province of Trento : supports the initiatives and activities of OBC through a multiyear agreement signed with the Peace Bell Foundation. The province promotes and supports international solidarity with projects of decentralised cooperation in the Balkans; e.g. promotion of the Trentino-Kosovo Association and supporting the Prijedor Project Association and the Trentino Roundtable with Kraljevo Association. The Province is also active in other world areas.
Municipality of Rovereto : supports the Peace Bell Foundation’s promotion of peace and human rights culture through a multiyear agreement. The municipality also promotes decentralised cooperation activities belonging – along with other local organizations and associations – to the Trentino Roundtable with Kraljevo. The Centro di Educazione Permanente alla Pace (Centre of Permanent Peace Education) also operates in Rovereto and was founded in 1992 through an agreement between the municipality and the Committee of the Associations for Peace and Human Rights.
European Commission : has funded since 2006 several OBC projects that foster the European collective memory. The OBC activities on human rights, democracy, conflicts and borders expresses the need to remember the past while building a yet-to-come Europe.
Regione autonoma Trentino – Alto Adige/Südtirol : supported in 2000 the start-up of OBC and several initiatives and paid particular attention to cohabitation, reconciliation, self-government and minority rights.
Municipality of Trento : has been an OBC partner since the beginning of the project. For many years, it has promoted international solidarity and decentralised cooperation with South-East Europe. It supports the Prijedor Project Association and the Local Democracy Agency of Prijedor, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto : (Mutual/trustee savings bank of Trento and Rovereto Foundation) sponsored in 2006 a research course dedicated to the Balkan cinema industry from the 1970s to the present. From 2000 to 2002, the OBC research activities were part of the agreement drawn up with the Peace Bell Foundation to support its study and educational activities for peace and human rights.