
BeEu, our Europe


The trailer of the European project "BeEU - 8 Media outlets for 1 Parliament". Go to the on-line section

Words Build Democracy


The trailer of the European project "Saftey Net for European Journalists". Go to the on-line section

Save Vake Park

Hundreds of Georgian citizens are again protesting, this time to oppose the construction of a 7-storey hotel in the capital’s Vake Park

Turkey: the treasure of Divle


At Divle, on the Anatolian plateau in Turkey, the traditional “tulum” cheese has for centuries been preserved in sheep and goat skins inside a deep cave at the edge of the village

Tblisi-Kiev: solidarity in action

Georgians take to the streets in solidarity with the Ukrainian demonstrators. The photo story by Onnik Krikorian in Tbilisi

Bulgaria: the cardboard war

On November 20, after 160 days of protests and one month of occupation of the universities, 20 Bulgarian students have taken rifles and pistols. Their "weapons", made of cardboard, are used to raise the attention on their protest against the Oresharski government. On the same day, also the unions took to the streets. The photos of Francesco Martino

Becoming Europe. The photos

The 16th of November, in Bergamo, the international conference "Becoming Europe". Scholars, journalists, politicians and diplomats discussed the legacy of the Nineties and the challenges of the present for an enlarged Europe. The final event of the project "Tell Europe to Europe"

Becoming Europe - Round table


"Missing Europe" is the title of the round table in the Conference "Becoming Europe. From solidarity to the European integration of the Balkans and Turkey"

Becoming Europe II


"Becoming Europe" is the closing event of the project "Tell Europe to Europe"

Becoming Europe I


On November 16, OBC organized in Bergamo the international conference "Becoming Europe". Find all the contributions in video