
Taste the Balkans


In Sofia, from the 6th to the 9th of November an event dedicated to the sustainability of rural areas in the Balkans. It's promoted by OBC and Slow Food Bulgaria in the context of the project "Tell Europe to Europe"

Unjie's Squids


Rich in fertile land, but poor in water. Unije, Nia for the ancient Greeks, is the main island off the Lošinj coast, in the North Adriatic. It is surrounded by a sea abounding in fish, but has no natural harbours to protect the sailors against the winter mistral. Over the centuries, Unije has taught its inhabitants the delicate balance between exploiting and respecting natural resources

Lips, eyes, ears. A journey through the Albanian Alps


A group of linguists travelling into the majestic beauty of Albanian mountains in a quest for lost words and languages. "Lips, eyes, ears" traces a portrait of an unusual job, introducing a special perspective on today's Albania, its culture, and its landscape. Now in streaming

A summer in Kosovo

A land full of contrasts, portayed in a vigorous black and white. From the mountains to the cities, the summer of 2013 in Kosovo. A photo report by Federico Pagnini

European deminers


Hundreds of kmq of Croatian territory, now of the EU, still have to be cleared of mines and UXO. The deminers associations protested for contract renewals during the July 1st celebrations

Pozor mine - Valeria Scrilatti

The Italian photographer Valeria Scrilatti followed a group of deminers in Ilijaš, not far from Sarajevo

Dimitrovgrad: People and Animals


The 'karakacanska ovca' was a sheep breed selected throughout the centuries by the karakacani, a nomadic ethnic group. It was thought to have disappeared. Today, thanks to the patient work of Sergej Ivanov and others who protect endangered species and biodiversity, many of these sheeps are raised in the Southern Serbian town of Dimitrovgrad. The video

The folk music of the South Caucasus

The meeting with Ashiq tradition - wandering minstrels- gave birth to the idea behind the Sayat Nova Project concerning the diverse musical traditions of the South Caucasus. Photo-story by Onnik Krikorian

The Istanbul protests

The mobilization to preserve Gezi Park, one of Istanbul's few green areas, has sparked a wave of protests against the government of Turkey's Prime Minister Erdoğan. Arzu Geybullayeva shows in her photos the time line of the protests

Good morning Pančevo


One of the most polluted cities in Europe, home of a large industrial district during Socialist Yugoslavia, Pančevo suffered the devastating consequences of the NATO bombings of 1999. It is now slowly rising up. A video-report