
Church Led Violence at Anti-Homophobia Event in Tbilisi

Arguably leading the region in terms of democracy according to organizations such as Freedom House, attempts to mark the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) in Georgia last week revealed major problems in terms of tolerance in the former Soviet Union.

Ajvar. A photo-recipe


In the Balkans it is a must. Ajvar is a sauce made of peppers. Many countries claim its origin, and many are the recipes. Here's one, based upon our journey in the Leskovac region of Southern Serbia. Photos by Ivo Danchev

LGBT: the Pride in Istanbul

A colorful happening, in a country where LGBT people have no rights and are heavily discriminated against. The photos of Alberto Tetta at Istanbul Pride in 2012

Mila Turajlić and the Balkan cinema


Mila Turajlić, film director, author of Cinema Komunisto, was our guest at Dialogues on cinema, a series of events promoted in the frame of the European project Tell Europe to Europe

From America to Armenia, aboard the Sobieski in 1949

Postcards, dinners, group photos. The journey of American-Armenian repatriates aboard the Sobieski in 1949. Images courtesy of Crosby Phillian to accompany the article on the American-Armenian experience in War-Torn Naples by Hazel Antaramian Hofman

Pravo na grad, years of activism in pictures

Since 2006 it acts in favor of public spaces. It started in Zagreb, then spreading throughout all of Croatia. The history of the association Pravo na grad shows the growing activism of civil society in Croatia

The natural washing machine

It has seven speeds and works without detergent. It can clean 5 heavy blankets in a few minutes. It 's the natural washing machine of Martin Brod, along the Una River, in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A miracle which survived the war and is now protected by a Natural Park

Tell Europe to Europe

From December 2012, for one year, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso carries out – with many partners – the project 'Tell Europe to Europe'

Zugdidi's IDPs

During the war in Abkhazia in 1992-1993, more than 200.000 Georgians were forced to leave their homes. Many of them have been living since then in Zugdidi, the Georgian city closest to the de facto border. Some of them managed to start a new life, other live in precarious conditions to this day. A photo feature

The (blinding) lights of Baku

Capital of Azerbaijan and the centre of the country's extractive industry, Baku (especially downtown) is changing quickly, thanks to an influx of money that has come with the discovery and exploitation of new oil and gas fields in the Caspian Sea